Monday, November 29, 2004

Natural Pest Control

Mosquito Dunks
An over-the-counter product called "Mosquito Dunks" is recommended as a least-toxic material for outdoor mosquito control by Erik Kiviat, Science Director of Hudsonia, ...
WHERE TO USE IT: Anywhere. This bacteria will not hurt
pets, children, birds or wildlife. Great for use in bird baths,
ponds, lakes, swamps, rain barrels, clogged gutters, sewers which
hold water, retention ponds, drainage ditches, slow moving
streams, bottoms of planters and anywhere water is able to
accumulate and provide mosquitoes a place to reproduce.
This biological pest control product kills mosquito larvae but is completely non-toxic to animals such as fish, birds, wildlife and pets. Each individual dunk will last up to 30 days in standing water and will cover 100 square feet of surface. Safe to use in pet watering bowls, horse troughs, lakes, bird baths, fish ponds, flower pots, aquatic gardens, flood control basins, unused swimming pools and other areas where standing water is a possible breeding ground for mosquitoes. Can be used with Mosquito Bits.
nature safe control

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