The Miracle Nickel
I got back a nickel today, along with
some other change, forty-eight cents to be exact. This is no ordinary
nickel though, it's a well-seasoned nickel from 1952. Aside from the
obvious wear from many years of use, what sets this nickel apart from
the other change that I received, including another nickel, is
how it immediately caught my eye, even as it passed from the cashiers
hand to mine. Keep in mind that I rarely venture out from my job during
the off season for supplies due to a drop in revenue, that I waited two
days for the boss to briefly show up to ask for the unexpected expense
to rent a jagger pump to pump out the cellar of the hotel owners home
because of a burst water pipe, that this hasn't occurred in any winter
conditions we've had previously, and I just happened to stop at this convenience store for the gas for the pump, and well, you have quite an unusual set of coincidences. Not convinced?
has been one week since my oldest brother's birthday, and just two days
since I posted a belated birthday wish in his memory Adrian.
have contemplated much lately on how blessed I am and how I attribute
that to God, who happens to be the same for all of us, as there can
only be one, if not, we must change our definition and meaning of the
word God (almighty being) and when you change the meaning of the word,
the word God ceases to exist as it becomes an antithesis, and therefore
there is no God, and I refuse to entertain that folly.
There are
many misfortunes that befall us, there are tragedies and sorrow, there
is also joy, and peace. I remember one of my Dad's many favorite songs,
taken from the book of Job. Thou God slay me yet I trust him.
He had a beautiful singing voice and you couldn't help but notice when
he sang. There was also no way of ignoring when he prayed. When you
speak of faith, it is actually a very easy gift to have when you
realize that faith is synonymous with trust, and I can trust God
I passed by a man on the sidewalk yesterday, I noticed
him as he rounded the corner, and as our eyes met, his limp became
perceptibly worse. With my window down he had the opportunity to ask
for fifty cents, on my reluctance, it became one dollar, one dollar
fifty cents, "to catch the trolley, Sir". Boy, is he good, I
thought as I observed his attire. He was wearing a fashionable
full-length coat and a clean wool scarf around his neck. He was wearing
what appeared to be some well fitting alligator ankle boots, pointed
and heeled that I wouldn't mind having myself if I weren't so modest.
Still, I declined, and as he moved away he said a God bless you, so I
received a blessing anyway, in spite of my stinginess.
Then, leaving
from work, on the bridge in front of me was a car that looked like it
was slowing down, or maybe backing up because one of the lights on the
driver's side was white, like a backup light. I slowed and changed
lanes to avoid being run over by the cars behind me, which were in a
mad rush at 5 o'clock in the evening. As I passed by on the left I
could plainly see that it was a lady in a disabled vehicle with her
emergency flashers on, and she clearly looked distressed. In my rear
view mirror I saw the oncoming traffic having a terrible time of it
trying to avoid her vehicle and each other and I thought for a moment
about going back around and at least trying to slow traffic with my
liability insured only truck, then I thought better of it.
This morning, on my way back to work, there was a hitchhiker (sigh). He was walking hurriedly with his back facing the traffic, thumb out, and maybe late for work somewhere. I didn't pick him up.
There are many opportunities to do good that elude us, but it must be tempered with good judgment. There are too many needs.
can only hope that when we are weighed in the balance, there are enough
times we said yes to outweigh all the nos, and we don't come up
Therefore, I give you my miracle nickel. God still smiles at me, and Adrian; God rest your soul.
byron 12-29-04
sometimes the miracle can make the biggest impact because of the thought it provokes. i am glad you got this token of adrian forever being with you/us.
i met up with this same gentleman in the parking lot as i was leaving for work. he of course, didn't remember me, just another face in the city. he had on a different, but very nice, pair of cowboy boots along with the trench coat that i'm envious of.
this time, he is from New Orleans, & he doesn't have a place to sleep or anything to eat.
i ask, "if you're from New Orleans, how come i've been seeing you around here for a long time?
"well, i been around here from time to time." he says.
i told him "i tell you what", while reaching into my pocket, "i gave another fella a few dollars once to help me clean up the parking lots, do you know what was wrong with it?".
he didn't.
i said, "sure you do, because he was here the next day to clean up, and the next day, and the day after that, and i don't have a lot of money, do you understand?" this as i gave him the only thing i had in my pocket, a five dollar bill. i haven't seen him in a few days.
i had to forgo my planned stop on the way home for an extra large diet coke as i was extremely thirsty, but now broke. in checking my mailbox though, there was a christmas bonus from the lady who's yard we keep up, and i take care of things around her unattended home......and people call me a scrooge.
i met up with this same gentleman in the parking lot as i was leaving for work. he of course, didn't remember me, just another face in the city. he had on a different, but very nice, pair of cowboy boots along with the trench coat that i'm envious of.
this time, he is from New Orleans, & he doesn't have a place to sleep or anything to eat.
i ask, "if you're from New Orleans, how come i've been seeing you around here for a long time?
"well, i been around here from time to time." he says.
i told him "i tell you what", while reaching into my pocket, "i gave another fella a few dollars once to help me clean up the parking lots, do you know what was wrong with it?".
he didn't.
i said, "sure you do, because he was here the next day to clean up, and the next day, and the day after that, and i don't have a lot of money, do you understand?" this as i gave him the only thing i had in my pocket, a five dollar bill. i haven't seen him in a few days.
i had to forgo my planned stop on the way home for an extra large diet coke as i was extremely thirsty, but now broke. in checking my mailbox though, there was a christmas bonus from the lady who's yard we keep up, and i take care of things around her unattended home......and people call me a scrooge.
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