Thursday, March 17, 2005

Once upon a blue day

My Place
"My baby boy Darrell is moving to Clayton this weekend. I will be at work so I cannot help him. Eleven years ago, my Dad helped me move in here and with painting & repairs.
At first he seemed thrilled about a nicer place but now he doesn't seem too happy with this and has briefly expressed his concerns. Personal conversations are rare, his life partner doesn't like him talking privately with his dad.
His living arrangements appear to be this; her mother has bought a trailer & property in Clayton, and Darrell will be paying for it for 15 years, with no say over what he can or can not do there. In my view, essentially a renter. I wish I could say that they are looking out for their daughters, my grand babies, and Darrell's best interests, but these are not good people who are honest and a handshake would be as good as gold. These are evil selfish people that have no qualms about who they can use and squash, in fact, they relish it. They (Darrell & Heather) have lived next door for two years rent free so they could get a head start, and he has not worn out his welcome. My heart aches for him. I have higher hope for my boys. This may all seem so trivial compared to all that many of you have been through, but I worry that I see bigger heartaches down the road. I wish my boy the best.
There are so many different emotions I cannot say. I will be praying for my boys mental health and happiness, and Son, 'I'll leave the light on for ya'."

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