Tuesday, October 11, 2005

two horsepower

working on this hand me down for my new race car drivers education course


Lotus Dale said...

You remind me so much of daddy.

Hillary Avis said...

More like one horsepower and one cute little pony-power.

Vanessa Powell said...

She looks like so much fun!

Linnea Lortsher said...

Looks like fun for both of you!

Les Cirilo said...

ahh, yes, the familiar pose of loving adult pushing gleeful child around yard in powered toy...
we have a pink barbie jeep that I had to push Sarah in for months till she figured out the gears and steering...now she's a whiz...makes me a little fearful she's going to steal our car and head to chuck e cheeze or something.
Cole loves the jeep too now, but hasn't figured it all out...I'm debating painting it camo or black with flames so he won't look like a sissy in the pink jeep...oh well.

Lotus Dale said...

har har har. too funny. just let 'em have fun. he'll be driving his big sister's car when they become teenagers too and the color or style won't stop him then either!