Tuesday, January 10, 2006

CoLoR mY WorLd

Absolutely the world's cutest helper helpsCoLoR mY WorLdTim Allen would
be green with envy

this is a special album for several different
1) this is the first color change we've made in our
new home which, with the exception of the grey exterior that we are
going to change at a later date, was delivered to us as a blank slate
of white.
2) i am actually doing (and enjoying) the painting
myself which i usually leave up to kay because i don't have the
patience or the tidiness to do. (see: perservering )
Oct 10, '04 tejasmidget said:
i had kay scrape up the old paint spills off the floor. then i had kay
stain small areas while shifting the furniture around the room. then i
had kay go over the stain with clearcoat. now i'm watching it dry.

- tejasmidget

3) i have a witty bitty
(who puts a smile on my face, and a beat in my
heart.)  me & g'pa

i literally started on the computer trying to visualize what it would look like, and it went from there........ALBUM


Charles Cirilo said...

So sad to hear that your painter left you high and dry. Nevertheless, it appears that your new crew will get the job done.

Lotus Dale said...

kailani is too too cute helping you paint! also, mamabird and i got a close up look at the newly painted interior and its very nice. great paint job too. i think you were way tidy enough. i didn't see where you fulubbed once anywhere. nice job cutting in at the ceiling too. i like it tons.

Hillary Avis said...

Aww, what a great helper she is! I love the green you chose, too.

kath baker said...

she is so adorable and doing such a good job

Byron @ said...

she's all the helper i ever wanted.

*Sans Souçi * said...

Great helper!

Byron @ said...

yep, all mine