If you have friends & family that communicate via e-mail, inevitably, you are going to end up on the forward; forward; forward list. Every once in a while, if you bother reading them at all, one comes along worth sharing. So, here is my entry that I thought I would pass along. If, like me, you found one you would share but don't want on the forward; forward; forward list, feel free to post it here. it's not going anywhere....maybe.
I don't think god did it, allowed it, or backed up and watched it as a courtesy to mankind.
I think it rains on the just and unjust alike.
I think the world has always had inclement weather, thieves, murderers, uncaring without conscious people, or people whose thoughts/ideas are just so tunnel-visioned that they are able to minimize the magnitude of the consequences of their actions. War too is like that. We know how many unfortunate people will be maimed, killed, utterly destroyed in the aftermath, if not in the onslaught; but the outcomes we see as worth it.
This is just the way the world is, which is why some folks so desperately want to change it or escape it or long for a better version of it.
Others of us see the beauty of creation, however it was created, enjoy the joy of laughter, the touch of kindness, the twinkle in one's eyes, the affectionate rub of a cat, the boundless love of a pup, the sound of a lake gurgling in the woods, the beauty of a night sky, the night lights of a city skyline as we race along an interstate, the merriment and unselfishness and joy-giving that surrounds a holiday, the gathering of friends and loved ones, the satisfaction of a task well done, the cooing of an infant, the flight of a bird, the scurry of a squirrel up a tree, the blush of a rose, the smell of jasmine on a terrace, the tenderness of a mother's touch, the jig of a one-of-a-kind daddy in the middle of the floor, the memories of days gone by and the anticipation of days to come, the accomplishment of creating by our own hand, even the comfort of a cozy home or cozy bed after accomplishing a hard day's work ... the list could go on endlessly.
Those things and events that make up the world as we know it include the best of life and the worst of life, and throughout the eternities these both have rained on the just and the unjust alike. None of it is due to god having "calmly backed out" of our lives at the behest of anyone asking him to.
Floods come, rains come, rainbows and stars shine bright. The dove locates the olive branch while the waters yet swirl just below his flight line. We pick up the pieces and rebuild, bec the world we live in has inclement weather in all manner of speaking, yet that fails to outweigh the beauty of what this same world offers our lives. All this we know, and for this we live our lives in anticipation and appreciation of the joys our lives entail.
In my memory and my heart, the squeeze of the little pudgy arms of my sons wrapped around my neck and their loving kisses on my cheek is as real as if they'd kissed me and ran off to school just this morning. god is love. I learned this at my mother's knee and every single day when she reaches for my hand, she communicates to me that tenderness and love reign, and there is no gain in levying blame.
well written. it's very hard to get people to understand too. g'pa called it cosmic simplicity, of course he got lost in some of the ritual that interferes with a man's direct communion with god as they know him, but it didn't change the fact that g'pa was very kind and patient, and he knew love, and he knew how to show it. two kisses on your cheeks lotus, we love you.
If the first post is true, then graham's dau wasted a rare opportunity to remind people that both good and ill befall us and will do so as long as we live in these mortal bodies on this glorious earth rotating on its axis in the middle of boundless space; and ... For the good we should be grateful, and due to the ill we are able to grow stronger and more determined to overcome, accomplish, and reach for the stars.
she saw it as an opportunity instead to place blame where there is none. neither god nor man caused or allowed the devastations wrought by katrina and like similar "acts of god".
her sermonizing, if indeed this is a true acct, encourages people to go on inferring that there is no hope for a better day in the mist of our sorrows and despairs bec there will always be someone out there asking the powers of the universe to rain catastrophe upon us or to simply "leave us alone'" and at some point we'll all suffer for their folly.
by her own creed, this is a false doctrine. the god she claims to worship sd he'd never leave or forsake ... all that is reserved for the great day of reckoning and i can guarantee you that day did not come and go with katrina.
i make no claim to subscribe to graham's brand of christianity, nor his dau's message of the day. i have no patience for such, and very low tolerance.
gpa was very kind and patient and he did understand abt what he called the "cosmic simplicity" of faith and worship ... the divine simplicity of the deity.
thank you for yr love.
In the spirit of this thread, I recommend a movie - "Though None Go With Me".
BTW, is this the political page?
of course this is a political page. is there any other kind?
As for PC. Since returning to Arkansas from the Washington D.C. area I've told many that I could not stay there longer than a year. After so many years of becoming accustomed to being short I was not ready to adapt to an additional complex - vertically challenged. I am once again contentedly short.
not me, i like tall women.
my favorite part! you're the bus driver, dunce!
i ALMOST missed the cow/milk one but caught myself just bef i started to scroll the pg. lol.
Daddy's advice to me once was,"Never confess".
i thought the test was cute. however, i realize i'm getting pretty bad over here. i was trying to tell the lady at the pharmacy abt mama pouring out olive oil on the floor and instead of saying she poured out olive oil, i sd she poured out aluminum foil. aargh! my brain just goes hay wire sometimes! the lady was gracious enough. she sd, "i'm not going to say anything." lol.
i wouldn't tell anybody if i said "poured out aluminum foil". that would be too sad if it wasn't so funny...tee-hee.
just talked to doll. she says she goes back in seven days at which time she'll know more.
doll sd the dr elected to do open breast biopsy in which they sliced open the breast using a local anesthesia and then used the mammotomy - ultrasound guided vacuum assisted biopsy (liposuction-like procedure) - to suck out the two masses, the cyst, the hemotoma and the connective tissue between them.
dr sd the hematoma was unusual and was not a good thing. dr also was concerned abt the excessive bleeding. for 30 minutes after surgery, doll had to lie there for without moving while a dr continued to apply pressure trying to staunch the bleeding. brisk bleeding was expected but apparently doll bled even more. afterwards, they glued the incision shut (no staples, no sutures, just some new fangled glue).
dr told doll that normally they would have removed only a sample of tissue which they would have then tested for malignancy but she determined once she began the procedure that sample removal was not the best option and therefore elected to remove all of the suspect tissue by repeatedly cutting, rotating, and retrieving samples (via the vacuum) until the suspect tissue was all removed.
while dr was stuffing gauze in the open wound and soaking up blood doll became violently sick to her stomach, and began dry heaving. the dr asked her if she was sick and doll told her yes, to her stomach and dr sd that was "so unusual." again today, today, she's been exhausted and sick to stomach all day. she is trying not to use the arm at all, as directed by dr, but thinks she will have to tie it down bec she unconsciously reaches with that arm and immediately regrets it due to the pain level.
doll still does not anticipate malignancy but that is not based upon anything the dr sd. she sd she just does not believe it's going to be cancerous.
love all.
heh. i posted the update fm doll here and decided to move it to jenn's post where everyone has been keeping up.
yup, that aluminum foil comment was a pretty sad screw-up. i think my brain hiccuped or misfired or some such! it both was and wasn't funny, but you have to laugh at how ridiculous my speech errors are becoming these days!
maybe it's the company you keep.
teehee. you think? her speech is improving and mine is degenerating!
Okay, here's one uncle Shine forwarded to me, fm another Tarver on the gen list:
I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives.
By following simple advice I heard on the 'Dr. Phil' show, you too can find inner peace.
Dr. Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started and never finished."
So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off 23 Bud Lights, a bottle of Absolute Vodka, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, a box of chocolates.
You have no idea how freaking good I feel. Please pass this on to those you feel might be in need of inner peace.
p.s. I made a cheesecake day bef yesterday and took half of it to LeeAnn and Jackie yesterday just to make sure me and mama didn't finish it off! lol.
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