Sunday, January 14, 2007

Trash to Treasure

what began life as rooftop adornments, , begins it's new journey as a garden fountain, maybe it will last another 100 years.

Always willing to turn scrap into something useful, this trash will be added to my gardenscape that is slowly evolving in my minds eye.


Charles Cirilo said...

This is great, little Bro

Charles Cirilo said...

You have mis-labeled it as trash. Good stuff.

Byron @ said...

If it's destined for the landfill, it's trash. If I rescue it, it can become good stuff. Thanks. Seems to me like there could be a biblical allegory here?

Lotus Dale said...

Way too nice fot the landfill! Great rescue!

I have a few similsr rescues in our garden too ... not being shown to their best advantage tho. Garden needs some spring attention bef new growth sets in. No chance of that this week tho what with all the sleet and drizzling rain we're having!