Sunday, July 29, 2007

lost & found

after we dug up the verbena, we found these two kids under the flowers.

as we keep digging, we continue to discover new things.


Charles Cirilo said...

I want one!

Charles Cirilo said...

Open up your pocket knife and threaten to cut off . . . . . You know the drill.

Charles Cirilo said...

I thought that river was the Tensas...

Charles Cirilo said...

With a metal detector?

Charles Cirilo said...

You can find some strange things around old wagons.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

At least they are cute kids that you have found. They both look like keepers to me :)

Lotus Dale said...

love the new garden spot! also, thank you two for dinner yesterday. looks like i have to keep coming by every few days to get a decent meal, i haven't been on top of that lately. maybe i'll get this moving chore over today or tomorrow and try to do better abt meals. :) love you all. great landscaping going on at yr place. i love to come see all the projects shaping up over there. :)

Charles Cirilo said...

My progress here is slow. I am jealous.

Byron @ said...

last one. I might can talk the store clerk out of hers. says she bought one but hasn't put it together because it was too many parts.

Byron @ said...

yes. it has a long wooden handle.

Byron @ said...

will help you out after work if you get down to the wire and don't quite have it all moved.

Byron @ said...

as grandparents go, we don't have much input in the matter. just love whomever we find :)

Byron @ said...

huh? You are so far ahead of the curve you can relax for the rest of the year! Remember too, you did make Debby clear out the garage. That's progress!

Charles Cirilo said...

Ahh,Ha Ha... To the contrary.

Charles Cirilo said...

I like the way you have made this look.--Very Nice! The mulch looks good... : ) --- Deb

Byron @ said...

The mulch is only a temporary solution keeping the moisture in and the sun off my tender roots thru the brutal days of August. I can then send it to you for your mulch beds if you like :) ---

Joretta Hayes said...

Is that a grill I see in the background? If it is, bet it could cook a mean pig.

Byron @ said...

Yep, here it is in action:

Lotus Dale said...

he built it himself too!

Lydia Carroll said...

ha, took the words right outta my mouth. we must be proud of his many skills.

Byron @ said...

I think maybe we all learned a little "how to". As daddy would put it; "give me something" "bleep, bleep, bleep" !

Lotus Dale said...

I'm proud this shed was relocated to the back forty!

Initiative Stain said...

My you have some very nice pictures and that is a very nice back yard. Seems that your son if I assume correctly is picking up some of the traits of his father.

Byron @ said...

Thanks. Grandson, actually, anytime someone is working, they want to know what they can do.

Charles Cirilo said...

These are great photos. I agree. They are evocative, causing me to sense, as if there again, your place. I continue to envy you your large yard. I could work myself into an early grave with one that size.

Lotus Dale said...

Exactly how I feel when I am out mowing my almost acre plot. haha

Charles Cirilo said...

I find my yard work therapeutic. Very relaxing... at least that's how I felt as I slipped into unconsciousness from heat stroke last summer...

Byron @ said...

You're right. Anxiously awaiting better weather. Lots of rain these past few days. Aaron stopped by for an unexpected visit and "volunteered" to cut up the tree that had fallen last storm. We managed to do quite a bit of therapeutic work this past weekend, but still not done.