Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Idea Book

Just a few things to knock around.


Byron @ said...

Rob, just a quick sketch of your covered deck to show you what wild thoughts I can come up with.
Nothing is wrong with your plan, It is great, just trying to come up with a way to keep the greatness cohesive. Click on the (949x605) to expand the picture.

Byron @ said...

&t;img src="">

Byron @ said...

This is a test to see if the reply under the photo is working as expected.

Byron @ said...

THis is a test to see if the reply directly under the picture will include the picture in the comment today, 1-21-08.

Byron @ said...

As you can see from the screen shot, there is no thumbnail image in the comment when clicking directly under any photo. This was the behavior when I sent in the inquiry to service. Now, however, the thumbnail will show up in the comment after going back to the full album view.

Byron @ said...
If you will notice, by the time of reply, there is still no thumbnail in any of the comments. Only when going back to the full album will I know if a thumbnail is here.

Byron @ said...

Replying in the large comment box only will produce a thumbnail? Not when I stay with this album photo and do not click thru to the main album.

Byron @ said...

I suppose that I should now change my inquiry to "thumbnails do not show in comments until viewed in main album".
At least they show up where they did not even show up before.