Today marks the 50th anniversary of the famous Lego blocks collection.
I didn't realise how old this makes me to remember that I received a set when I was 12 years old from Uncle Shine when I was cooped up in the hospital. Thanks Uncle. It's a gift that I will always remember with fondness and only the privileged boys had them. They were a new invention to me, although they actually have been around since 1949. Probably took this long to gain some national popularity?
Hey, the thought just occurred to me that we are the same age and grew up together, they must have made them just for me :o),8599,1707379,00.html
hey bunny, i remember the hospital stay and the legos. thanks, unc, from both of us.
benjamin loved/loves legos too, and now gets them for roly poly toby toby. they are cool toys. yes, i remember that first set too!
I don't remember him getting them. Perhaps a subconcious mental block due to a deeply traumatic experience with jealousy....
Should we send you a set now to make up for it? If we do, then I will be expecting that Lionel train set I never did get. I think maybe Adrian had one.
bet cac doesn't remember that train set either! lol.
Never saw no trains, neither!
hey charlzie, doll and i had dollies that sucked bottles when i was in the hospital do you remember those or were you 'secretly jealous then too?
Now these we stuck into the doorway and closed the door on their heads. They took it oddly silent, but you and Dolly sure screamed a lot.
and that only punished the dolls. wasnt good enough for byron. he pulled there heads off and threw them on top the house so we couldn't reach em.
he probably don't remember it though. ;)
I don't recollect this. Thats my story.
Hey, Bro,
That was those Thompson boys from up the street, right?
if it got torn in pieces, there was no guessing it was our byron.
har. I can fix stuff too.
Jacksons lived on the corner on the other side of the Stuarts (beyond them across the dead end street was the Murphys, where Tina Murphy used to come stay with her granny). The Jacksons had two boys. The other side of us, abt the third or fourth house down was the Thompsons. They had three boys, one of whom was that booger-eating Dickie Thompson that was sweet on Dolly (or vice versa, or both). Those were the little heathens.
Mr. Jackson made all of us kids on that end of the block some stilts and we could walk over the backyard cyclone fences with them. Very awesome!
yep. you were always tearing up stuff and putting it back together again.
Not Jacksons (that was our school bus driver), they were the Mitchells.
Crazy people whose kids whipped each other with switches ( I think they run a sado-maso website now) lived next to us opposite side from the Stuarts, then Mrs Winters, who worked in her flower beds 12 months out of 12 months. Then, of course, the Thompsons, whose Dad had the hidden (not so well) collection of nudist and playboy magazines. Across the street from the Thompsons was Mrs (Granny) Shrek. We knew the Shreks before her green offspring became a famous movie star.
i started to say mitchell but decided no, adrian's friend mike around the corner (the one joined merchant marines with him and got killed in nyc when they were docked there, while adrian was with him), mike was a mitchell so i decided the boys down the street musta been jackson but that's right, our bus driver was mr jackson and now mitchell sounds right (again) for the boys on the corner.
those kids mama made them whip each other instead of her having to do it. they took no pleasure in that. she'd beat them half to death if they didn't run circles whipping each other with their switches while holding hands with their free hand.
now, those shreks, would that be where they had the little boy and girl "get married" in the back yard. years later, i decided they had been messing with us and it was someone else's wedding and those kids were just flower girl and ring bearer, but they had us believing it was a for real wedding between those kids. this would be the first house next to the vacant lot across fm us. the vacant lot across which lived loud mouth margie. and don't even pretend she wasn't a loud mouth.
yes to the 12 month gardening. now i have the same illness, i think! or trying to catch it anyway.
Adrian's friend Mike was Hendricks.
Granny Shrek had the little kids wedding.
And Margie was loud for a Roach.
The kid beaters were weird.
What was Leamon's last name? and, "NO", he wasn't a Jenkins. He lived on the corner next to J J Anselmo III.
wonder what all those kids remember about that bunch of cirilo kids with the white mama and mexican daddy.
you're absolutely right. mike was a hendricks and the boys on the corner were mitchells and margie was a roach. i did not remember granny shrek's name ever, not now and not before. also, i know the jenkins had all those kids, including the girl with the polio'ed leg, and they lived way way way down the road on the third block closest to the highway. i have no idea what leamon's last name was as i thought that was his last name. i don't even remember jj anselmo. my alz has kicked in pretty good, i reckon. lol.
you are really good with those neighbor names. i do better with places than names, i think.
i'm with lee. wonder what they all remember abt our family? i'm sure they talk abt the washing machines and the chickens. who would/could forget that? also, prolly the m.g. and the plywood top convertible, maybe even the jeep and caddy and the nash. (NASH!!) -- all the cars we went thru. *grin* and maybe even casper.
if they don't have enough to remember, we sure do!
don't forget the surry with the fringe on top that jake and mother broke. grandpa would dress in his suit and hat and ride it down the street. we kids thought that looked funny.
gosh, i will NEVER forget them breaking my surry! that was my big christmas gift the year adrian got his 3-speed bicycle. 3 speed was all the rage that year and he was on top of the world. i was too, until mama and jake broke my surry. daddy fixed it with - guess - lawn mower wheels. lol. he was funny dressing up and going for a ride in it. the grownups loved that surry as much as the kids! what a year! what a time!
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