Sunday, September 14, 2008

How's that roof coming?

We are almost done with the reworking of the carport. As I expected there was more rot that could be seen without uncovering it. Rafters, headers, decking, soffit, eaves, ceiling, and several layers of felt, tar, and pea gravel later, we are nearing the finish line. The rain has fought back, my unrelenting job has fought back, we've had two hurricanes. We are winning. With Kay's help, the roof looks very much like a professional torch down modified bitumen flat roof (we used cold process) Best part, it doesn't leak.
previously homeowner


Aaron Cirilo said...

whoa... wow

Lydia Carroll said...

wow! a lot of work and looks great. will you build my house? jack says he never will because i'm too picky. i think your work will satisfy me. what will you charge a poor girl? :)

Lydia Carroll said...

wow! a lot of work and looks great. will you build my house? jack says he never will because i'm too picky. i think your work will satisfy me. what will you charge a poor girl? :)

Byron @ said...

pay me enough and i will quit my day job for sure.

Lydia Carroll said...


Charles Cirilo said...

Great job. I know you're glad to be nearing the end.

Viola Hayes said...

looks professional. i always loved doing work on my own home. the rewards are many.

Byron @ said...

This wasn't a fun project, no, but a necessary evil. I can think of many other projects that I want to do but haven't started.
I am happy that it's done and won't fall on our heads anytime soon though.

Viola Hayes said...

no, usually not fun. lots of very hard work but very rewarding.
love you