Monday, January 26, 2009

Of Cows and Gold Ñ

For most of my adult years, I've been chasing the American Dream of having a good job, owning one's own home, and being affluent, or at least comfortable. Instead, what I've figured out, and passed along to a co-worker, I'm sharing with you here.
The co-worker was spouting visions of grandor, and non-sensical tales of money making endevors, and pretty much grasping at delusions.

er go:
You've heard of the goose that laid the golden egg, right? Well, for the last 50 odd years I've been  chasing  cows waiting for them to lay a golden turd. I've been following very closely and paying attention to all the rules, but all that ever came out was what? Yep, cow turds. So you've got to stay grounded in reality, sure, keep your vision, but just understand that all cows don't lay gold.

Moral of this story: Don't follow the wrong cow.


Charles Cirilo said...

...too closely..

Might get on your face.

Jennifer Cirilo said...


Lotus Dale said...

Well, I dare say you've been somewhat successful following that cow with the golden turd. You have a decent job, or at least one that's been decent enough to you for some long years; you have your own home, a rather nice one too with its commensurate american mortgage; and you are comfortable, tho not so "affluent," affluent being the part of the so-called american dream that few attain.

How do you like them turds? *grin*

Byron @ said...

I'd rather be fishing.

Lotus Dale said...

and you don't even like fishing! lol

Charles Cirilo said...

He don't like turds more than he don't like fishing, and he likes fish turds less than that.

He's in a pickle, or is he in the pickle jar, or is it the juice he's in.....?