A man spoke with the Lord about Heaven and Hell. "I will show you Hell," said the Lord. And they went into a room which had a large pot of stew in the middle. The smell was delicious and around the pot sat people who were famished and desperate. All were holding spoons with very long handles which reached to the pot, but because the handles of the spoons were longer than their arms, it was impossible to get the stew into their mouths. Their suffering was terrible.Link
"Now I will show you Heaven," said the Lord, and they went into an identical room. There was a similar pot of stew and the people had the same identical spoons, but they were well nourished, talking and happy.
At first the man did not understand.
"It is simple," said the Lord. "You see, they have learned to feed each other."
by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell
A man spoke with the Lord about Heaven and Hell. "I will show you Hell," said the Lord. And they went into a room which had a large pot of stew in the middle. The smell was delicious and around the pot sat people who were famished and desperate. All were holding spoons with very long handles which reached to the pot, but because the handles of the spoons were longer than their arms, it was impossible to get the stew into their mouths. Their suffering was terrible.Link
"Now I will show you Heaven," said the Lord, and they went into an identical room. There was a similar pot of stew and the people had the same identical spoons, but they were well nourished, talking and happy.
At first the man did not understand.
"It is simple," said the Lord. "You see, they have learned to feed each other."
by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Death is a delicate matter, even Jesus tried to broach the subject with propriety when speaking to his disciples concerning Lazarus of Bethany. In John's account, Jesus first tells them Lazarus is asleep: "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep". Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. That not getting the point across Jesus had to abandon decorum and said unto them plainly, "Lazarus is dead". John 11:14
From Ecclesiastes: For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.. Solomon had wisdom granted to him by God, because he asked unselfishly. He attained this wish through repeated sacrifice and prayer (a thousand offerings) 1Kings 3. None more than he would know the common beliefs of the day.
Psalms gives us this - Psa 89:48 What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Can this possibly mean that the soul will die? Job's skeptical question, "If a man die, shall he live again?" probes that thought. In the next verse he asks, "Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth?" That's kind of like the answer Charles gave here when he said "Whether or not anyone sees or knows anything here on earth after they die, whether or not they are conscious, asleep, or tip-toeing through the tulips is not of any consequence to the purpose of the Ecclesiastes". The scripture says our hope is in Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. Acts 24:14-15 tells us both just and unjust will arise. John 5:28 says this; Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
In first century Judaism, there was belief that there was some sort of waiting period or holding place for the soul immediately following death. We find this waiting period alluded to in the story of Lazarus, a beloved friend of Jesus. By the time Jesus returned to Judaea, Lazarus had been dead for four days, the point the rabbis claimed no trace of the soul remained in the body. Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already, John 11:17. Did Jesus know grief? Yes, "Jesus wept." John 11:35. As we can clearly gather from the following verses Jesus was teaching a different hope for the deceased. In verse 23-26, Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith to him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Maybe we should go back and read verse 4: When Jesus heard that [Lazarus was sick], he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. huh?... Not unto death?
So what about the beggar Lazarus, the rich man, and the Great Gulf? Parable or insight?
We have had previous discussions where we debated the use of the word hell, hades, and sheol, and their intended meanings. As previously stated, it was common belief that there was no life beyond the grave(Sheol, grave, Hades, and hell being synonymous), with only the righteous being raised from the dead in the resurrection. Jews who accepted the Oral Torah had come to believe that those in Sheol awaited the resurrection either in comfort (in the bosom of Abraham) or in torment.
And he cried out and said, "Father Abraham have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue; for I am in agony in this flame." Luke 16:24" And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed," Luke 16:26
First century Jews taught that only a "handbreadth" separated the wicked from the righteous in the afterlife. 13 Contrary to this belief, Jesus taught that a "great chasm" or "gulf" separated the Rich Man and Lazarus. Moreover, this gulf was "fixed" which means that it was permanent and immovable. The Gulf represents a permanent separation between the saved and the lost. Neither the righteous nor the unrighteous can bridge the gap to cross over to the other side. Death irreversibly seals a person's eternal destiny, which is just as we've been thinking all along, or have we?
So what can we say of Saul conjuring up the spirit of Samuel after his death?
1 Sam 28:8 And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him,and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit,and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.1 Sam 28:15 And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? Then this spirit proceeded to say that Saul would be joining him shortly - 1 Sam 28:19 Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me...Did Saul arise from the grave or a resting place, as it may? Probably not, as what he sought was an answer from a medium, or a familiar spirit. 1 Chr 10:13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it;
Inconclusive, as I have decided to stop here and get some feedback.
From Ecclesiastes: For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.. Solomon had wisdom granted to him by God, because he asked unselfishly. He attained this wish through repeated sacrifice and prayer (a thousand offerings) 1Kings 3. None more than he would know the common beliefs of the day.
Psalms gives us this - Psa 89:48 What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Can this possibly mean that the soul will die? Job's skeptical question, "If a man die, shall he live again?" probes that thought. In the next verse he asks, "Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down to the earth?" That's kind of like the answer Charles gave here when he said "Whether or not anyone sees or knows anything here on earth after they die, whether or not they are conscious, asleep, or tip-toeing through the tulips is not of any consequence to the purpose of the Ecclesiastes". The scripture says our hope is in Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. Acts 24:14-15 tells us both just and unjust will arise. John 5:28 says this; Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
In first century Judaism, there was belief that there was some sort of waiting period or holding place for the soul immediately following death. We find this waiting period alluded to in the story of Lazarus, a beloved friend of Jesus. By the time Jesus returned to Judaea, Lazarus had been dead for four days, the point the rabbis claimed no trace of the soul remained in the body. Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already, John 11:17. Did Jesus know grief? Yes, "Jesus wept." John 11:35. As we can clearly gather from the following verses Jesus was teaching a different hope for the deceased. In verse 23-26, Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith to him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Maybe we should go back and read verse 4: When Jesus heard that [Lazarus was sick], he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. huh?... Not unto death?
So what about the beggar Lazarus, the rich man, and the Great Gulf? Parable or insight?
We have had previous discussions where we debated the use of the word hell, hades, and sheol, and their intended meanings. As previously stated, it was common belief that there was no life beyond the grave(Sheol, grave, Hades, and hell being synonymous), with only the righteous being raised from the dead in the resurrection. Jews who accepted the Oral Torah had come to believe that those in Sheol awaited the resurrection either in comfort (in the bosom of Abraham) or in torment.
And he cried out and said, "Father Abraham have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue; for I am in agony in this flame." Luke 16:24" And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed," Luke 16:26
First century Jews taught that only a "handbreadth" separated the wicked from the righteous in the afterlife. 13 Contrary to this belief, Jesus taught that a "great chasm" or "gulf" separated the Rich Man and Lazarus. Moreover, this gulf was "fixed" which means that it was permanent and immovable. The Gulf represents a permanent separation between the saved and the lost. Neither the righteous nor the unrighteous can bridge the gap to cross over to the other side. Death irreversibly seals a person's eternal destiny, which is just as we've been thinking all along, or have we?
So what can we say of Saul conjuring up the spirit of Samuel after his death?
1 Sam 28:8 And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he went, and two men with him,and they came to the woman by night: and he said, I pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit,and bring me him up, whom I shall name unto thee.1 Sam 28:15 And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? Then this spirit proceeded to say that Saul would be joining him shortly - 1 Sam 28:19 Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me...Did Saul arise from the grave or a resting place, as it may? Probably not, as what he sought was an answer from a medium, or a familiar spirit. 1 Chr 10:13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it;
Inconclusive, as I have decided to stop here and get some feedback.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ashes to Ashes
We went to a different kind of funeral today. Not odd in any way except this was our first to attend where there was no casket, no body for viewing. There were pictures of the deceased and of his family, although I don't think he was ever an enthusiastic collector of self portraits. There was a digital slideshow created by someone, though I'm not sure who. There was an urn sitting with no particular prominence amongst the flowers. Kay's uncle, Howard Gene Denny Sr., 62, her mom's youngest brother, passed away Sunday morning while trying to escape a house fire here in Clayton.
This was the house purchased many years ago by Wesley and Louise for her Mother, Geneva Denny. It was an older home, purchased for $500 and moved at their expense before Kay's Grandpa Velch Denny passed away. Velch and Geneva lived in a small trailer, similar to an airstream travel trailer, on this same spot when Kay was carrying our youngest son Darrell. We visited Grandpa Velch in his new home several times. He was a fisherman, a skill which he handed down to his boys and theirs, with one of the grandsons JD Denny now owning and operating a successful business on the outskirts of Ferriday.
Howard Gene served two tours of duty in Vietnam, and worked as an oilfield toolpusher before retiring to live as a true sportsman does. Hunting and fishing were his forte. Howard was a decidedly unpolished man, but his generosity was notable. Curtis has one of his trophy mounts dated December 3rd, 1976, mounted on the wall in his room. I also worked for him over 30 years ago before Kay and I were married.
It was his wish to be cremated and his ashes scattered on Fools River, a river where they grew up and he first learned to fish. I've always thought this way of dealing with your remains was a little macabre, but I have learned something today. The preacher, who was his next door neighbor, had a stroke this past October and, with a cane for assistance and a slight slur of speech, he spoke with eloquence about ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The text of that service is adapted from the Biblical text Genesis 3:19 (King James Version):
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
He spoke of Howard's generosity and his willingness to give to those in more need than himself; he spoke of his strong nature, as he was known to be boisterous at times, a nature he passed to his son Howard Jr.. The pastor says he forgave him for that a long time ago.
His brother Bill who is a veteran as well, got up and said the final words. He spoke about his brother's service to his country, his sacrifice and willingness to give all for the love of his country and, on the President's/Commander-in-Chief and on the US Military's behalf, he presented a folded flag to the son and daughter and gave them a military salute. It could bring a tear to the eye.
All of these things said about him was touching, but not significantly different than others we've heard. It was not until after the service that there was anything especially poignant, after all the condolences had been said, all the kind words and hugging of necks were done. In orthodox funerals it would be time to time to walk away with only the memories and images we have in our minds of yesterdays. Not this time. Howard Gene Jr. walked up and with a determined look on his face picked up his father's ashes and placed the urn in his arms. A few minutes later I saw his daughter holding the urn, and I began to understand that they still hold a physical part of him, and they will not leave empty on this day. Later as we stopped to look at the burned out home, Howard Jr. and his family drove up. There is nothing left.
The preacher said that he believes he would have given you the shirt off his back if you would have asked. Today, with forethought, he gave himself. Who would have thought. They will follow his living wish to be scattered on Fools River later this summer from a barge.
This was the house purchased many years ago by Wesley and Louise for her Mother, Geneva Denny. It was an older home, purchased for $500 and moved at their expense before Kay's Grandpa Velch Denny passed away. Velch and Geneva lived in a small trailer, similar to an airstream travel trailer, on this same spot when Kay was carrying our youngest son Darrell. We visited Grandpa Velch in his new home several times. He was a fisherman, a skill which he handed down to his boys and theirs, with one of the grandsons JD Denny now owning and operating a successful business on the outskirts of Ferriday.
Howard Gene served two tours of duty in Vietnam, and worked as an oilfield toolpusher before retiring to live as a true sportsman does. Hunting and fishing were his forte. Howard was a decidedly unpolished man, but his generosity was notable. Curtis has one of his trophy mounts dated December 3rd, 1976, mounted on the wall in his room. I also worked for him over 30 years ago before Kay and I were married.
It was his wish to be cremated and his ashes scattered on Fools River, a river where they grew up and he first learned to fish. I've always thought this way of dealing with your remains was a little macabre, but I have learned something today. The preacher, who was his next door neighbor, had a stroke this past October and, with a cane for assistance and a slight slur of speech, he spoke with eloquence about ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The text of that service is adapted from the Biblical text Genesis 3:19 (King James Version):
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
He spoke of Howard's generosity and his willingness to give to those in more need than himself; he spoke of his strong nature, as he was known to be boisterous at times, a nature he passed to his son Howard Jr.. The pastor says he forgave him for that a long time ago.
His brother Bill who is a veteran as well, got up and said the final words. He spoke about his brother's service to his country, his sacrifice and willingness to give all for the love of his country and, on the President's/Commander-in-Chief and on the US Military's behalf, he presented a folded flag to the son and daughter and gave them a military salute. It could bring a tear to the eye.
All of these things said about him was touching, but not significantly different than others we've heard. It was not until after the service that there was anything especially poignant, after all the condolences had been said, all the kind words and hugging of necks were done. In orthodox funerals it would be time to time to walk away with only the memories and images we have in our minds of yesterdays. Not this time. Howard Gene Jr. walked up and with a determined look on his face picked up his father's ashes and placed the urn in his arms. A few minutes later I saw his daughter holding the urn, and I began to understand that they still hold a physical part of him, and they will not leave empty on this day. Later as we stopped to look at the burned out home, Howard Jr. and his family drove up. There is nothing left.
The preacher said that he believes he would have given you the shirt off his back if you would have asked. Today, with forethought, he gave himself. Who would have thought. They will follow his living wish to be scattered on Fools River later this summer from a barge.
Ashes to Ashes
We went to a different kind of funeral today. Not odd in any way except this was our first to attend where there was no casket, no body for viewing. There were pictures of the deceased and of his family, although I don't think he was ever an enthusiastic collector of self images. There was a digital slideshow created by someone, though I'm not sure who. There was an urn sitting with no particular prominence amongst the flowers. Kay's uncle, Howard Gene Denny Sr., 62, her mom's youngest brother, passed away Sunday morning while trying to escape a house fire here in Clayton.
This was the house purchased many years ago by Wesley and Louise for her Mother, Geneva Denny. It was an older home, purchased for $500 and moved at their expense before Kay's Grandpa, Velch Denny passed away. Velch and Geneva lived in a small trailer, similar to an airstream travel trailer, on this same spot when Kay was carrying our youngest son, Darrell. We visited him in his new home several times. He was a fisherman, a skill handed down to his boys and theirs, with one of the grandsons, JD Denny, owning and operating a successful business on the outskirts of Ferriday.
Howard Gene served two tours of duty in Vietnam, and worked as an oilfield toolpusher before retiring to live as a true sportsman does. Hunting and fishing were his forte. Howard was an extraordinary coarse man, but his generosity was notable. Curtis has one of his trophy mounts dated December 3rd, 1976 mounted on the wall in his room. I also worked for him over 30 years ago before Kay and I were married.
It was his wish to be cremated and his ashes scattered in Fools River, a river where they grew up and first learned to fish. I've always thought this way of dealing with your remains was a little macabre, but I have learned something today. The preacher, who was is neighbor, had a stroke last year, and with a cane for assistance and a slight slur of a few difficult words, he spoke with eloquence about ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. The text of that service is adapted from the Biblical text, Genesis 3:19 (King James Version):
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
He spoke of his generosity, and his willingness to give to those in more need than himself, he spoke of his strong nature, as he was known to be boisterous at times, a nature he passed to his son, Howard Jr. which the pastor says he forgave him for long ago.
His brother Bill got up and said the final words. He spoke about his service to his country, his sacrifice and willingness to give all for the love of his country, and he presented a folded flag to the son and daughter, and gave them the military salute. It could bring a tear to the eye.
All of these things said about him was touching, but not significantly different than others we've heard. It was not until after the service that there was anything especially poignant, after all the condolences had been said, all the kind words and hugging of necks were done. In orthodox funerals it would be time to time to walk away with only the memories and images we have in our minds of yesterdays, this time, Howard Gene Jr. walked up and with a determined look on his face, picked up his father's ashes, and placed the urn in his arms. I saw a few minutes later his daughter holding the urn, and I began to understand that they still have a physical part of him, and they will not leave empty on this day. Later we stopped to look at the burned out home when Howard Jr. and his family drove up. There is nothing left.
The preacher said that he believes he would have given you the shirt off his back if you would have asked. Today, with forethought, he gave himself. Who would have thought. They will follow his living wish to be scattered on Fools River later this summer from a barge.
This was the house purchased many years ago by Wesley and Louise for her Mother, Geneva Denny. It was an older home, purchased for $500 and moved at their expense before Kay's Grandpa, Velch Denny passed away. Velch and Geneva lived in a small trailer, similar to an airstream travel trailer, on this same spot when Kay was carrying our youngest son, Darrell. We visited him in his new home several times. He was a fisherman, a skill handed down to his boys and theirs, with one of the grandsons, JD Denny, owning and operating a successful business on the outskirts of Ferriday.
Howard Gene served two tours of duty in Vietnam, and worked as an oilfield toolpusher before retiring to live as a true sportsman does. Hunting and fishing were his forte. Howard was an extraordinary coarse man, but his generosity was notable. Curtis has one of his trophy mounts dated December 3rd, 1976 mounted on the wall in his room. I also worked for him over 30 years ago before Kay and I were married.
It was his wish to be cremated and his ashes scattered in Fools River, a river where they grew up and first learned to fish. I've always thought this way of dealing with your remains was a little macabre, but I have learned something today. The preacher, who was is neighbor, had a stroke last year, and with a cane for assistance and a slight slur of a few difficult words, he spoke with eloquence about ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. The text of that service is adapted from the Biblical text, Genesis 3:19 (King James Version):
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
He spoke of his generosity, and his willingness to give to those in more need than himself, he spoke of his strong nature, as he was known to be boisterous at times, a nature he passed to his son, Howard Jr. which the pastor says he forgave him for long ago.
His brother Bill got up and said the final words. He spoke about his service to his country, his sacrifice and willingness to give all for the love of his country, and he presented a folded flag to the son and daughter, and gave them the military salute. It could bring a tear to the eye.
All of these things said about him was touching, but not significantly different than others we've heard. It was not until after the service that there was anything especially poignant, after all the condolences had been said, all the kind words and hugging of necks were done. In orthodox funerals it would be time to time to walk away with only the memories and images we have in our minds of yesterdays, this time, Howard Gene Jr. walked up and with a determined look on his face, picked up his father's ashes, and placed the urn in his arms. I saw a few minutes later his daughter holding the urn, and I began to understand that they still have a physical part of him, and they will not leave empty on this day. Later we stopped to look at the burned out home when Howard Jr. and his family drove up. There is nothing left.
The preacher said that he believes he would have given you the shirt off his back if you would have asked. Today, with forethought, he gave himself. Who would have thought. They will follow his living wish to be scattered on Fools River later this summer from a barge.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
Halloween 2010
The Little Mermaid and Cinderella paid us a visit on Halloween.
We are always happy to see them. Always a hug and a smile for "Mr. Byron"
Madison & Rebecca are precious gifts that stay with Anthony and their Dad, and bless us with their company on occasion.
Added additional pictures that I swiped from one of the co-workers that were snapped at the Eola.
Chicken Dinner
Not what you're thinking, she comes over for dinner. In fact, shes moved in. Just another pet which has taken up residence, like the black kitten that appeared one morning. As you can see, the dogs are used to new boarders.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Codys book
Here is a preview of Cody's coffee table book he has been waiting on.
Older photos from earlier albums.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Inclusive or Exclusive
A little reading, a little verse, and a little rambling.
On first glance, 1Cor 12 looks to be concerning gifts, and specifically, gifts parceled out amongst the members of the church. We've all heard it preached this way, but the more I look at it, the more it appears to be speaking of something more. First, I'd like to put in perspective that the church is not a building, the Church is God's people. We are the Church. 1Peter 2.5; 1Corinthians 3.9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. Disjointed though it may be, I am leading up to something here.
Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost :1Cor 12.3.
That is an extremely broad statement, possibly encompassing many more than we like to give credit to. There are many that profess to be Christians, and thus profess Jesus as Lord. I am not singling anyone out, my intention is quite the opposite. I am simply pointing out that we might need to take a broader view of humanity if we are to spread the will of Christ. We proclaim oneness, but our words and actions are divisive. 1Peter 2:16,17; As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. Sorry Aaron if I took that out of context :).
I borrowed the following paragraph. Overlooking that this guy is talking about the trinity, I liked the way he put this comment together so well, that I didn't think I could do it any better. The title to his commentary was... Many Voices, One God. His concept was good, but in the end,he failed to come to a proven ending. So, definitely taken out of it's intended context, I think I can fit this train of thought in here:
There is much that we need to learn about the whole emphasis on unity, on oneness. How do you arrive at oneness by rejecting what does not belong? That's how we Christians have tried to achieve unity: arriving at truth by refutation. That's why we have so many heretics in our history. We want to say so many things are wrong in order to establish what we think is right. We cannot handle plurality. Plurality is a very big problem for the monotheistic religions..[insert Churches, Denominations here]
1Co 12:4-11 “But there are differences of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are differences of workings, but it is the same God working all things in all. But to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit to our profit. For through the Spirit is given to one a word of wisdom; and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; and to another faith by the same Spirit; and to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; and to another workings of powers, to another prophecy; and to another discerning of spirits; and to another kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues. But the one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing separately to each one as He desires.”
The Douay-Rheims Bible substitutes the word gift for graces, which can put a little different interpretation on these verses....
4 Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit;.....And God indeed hath set some in the church; first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly doctors; after that miracles; then the graces of healing, helps, governments, kinds of tongues, interpretations of speeches. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all doctors? 30 Are all workers of miracles? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But be zealous for the better gifts. And I shew unto you yet a more excellent way.
A piece of fiction(also borrowed....
The story is told of Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian Cosmonaut and the first person to have gone into orbit and in outer space. When he came back to the earth, there was a reception for him in the Kremlin. During the course of the reception, Nikita Khrushchev, then the general secretary of the Communist Party and the head of state, slowly led him in the study and said, "Comrade Yuri, you are the first man to have gone into space. I want to ask you a question, and I want an honest answer from you. Out there in space, was there a heaven? Were there gates of pearl? Streets paved with gold? Angels? God? Did you see anything like that?" Yuri became very grave in his face and said, "Comrade, I cannot tell you the lie. Unfortunately, there is a heaven. I saw the gates of pearl and the angels there." Khrushchev said, "Well comrade, this is what I always feared. But you know that you cannot say this to anybody else, because the Communist Party depends on NOT having heaven up there." Then he was taken on a world tour to further propagate this great achievement of the Russian State. He also came to the Vatican, and he was given a reception in the Vatican and a private audience with the Pope. The Pope also took him aside and asked, "Brother Yuri, you are the first one to have gone into outer space. Now tell me, did you see a heaven and God and angels and Peter standing at the gates of pearl?" Yuri was reminded of the warning given by Khrushchev, so he said, "Holy Father, I am so sorry to tell you but there is no such thing up there." And the Pope said, "This is what I always feared. But you know you cannot talk about this outside."
It is possible that we take a very narrow view when we adopt the sectarian blinders. I just hope that we haven't taken such a narrow minded view, and made ourselves so lofty, we are using our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness. I am particularly drawn to 1Cor 12, verse 31 here, where we are being told that if we seek better gifts, God will show us a better way.
If you think I am trying to arrive at some misguided conclusion that gives me some particular wide birth to not living both a clean, and upright life, seeking God's will, I'm not.
Of late, everywhere I turn I see ladies that remind me of a lady of the church named Ramona(No, she can't possibly have that many sisters). There is something extraordinary in the appearance and modesty of this duplicated lady which sets her apart from the crowds. I have seen men which possess this appearance as well. Obviously Christian, no doubt. I have said before that the purity these people exude is a beautiful thing. The joy and liberty they have is enviable, and I believe that this setting apart is not due to some hobbling tutorship in doctrine, but as verse 31 says, they have sought better gifts, and have been shown a more excellent way, inclusively. Your thoughts are always welcomed.
On first glance, 1Cor 12 looks to be concerning gifts, and specifically, gifts parceled out amongst the members of the church. We've all heard it preached this way, but the more I look at it, the more it appears to be speaking of something more. First, I'd like to put in perspective that the church is not a building, the Church is God's people. We are the Church. 1Peter 2.5; 1Corinthians 3.9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. Disjointed though it may be, I am leading up to something here.
Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost :1Cor 12.3.
That is an extremely broad statement, possibly encompassing many more than we like to give credit to. There are many that profess to be Christians, and thus profess Jesus as Lord. I am not singling anyone out, my intention is quite the opposite. I am simply pointing out that we might need to take a broader view of humanity if we are to spread the will of Christ. We proclaim oneness, but our words and actions are divisive. 1Peter 2:16,17; As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. Sorry Aaron if I took that out of context :).
I borrowed the following paragraph. Overlooking that this guy is talking about the trinity, I liked the way he put this comment together so well, that I didn't think I could do it any better. The title to his commentary was... Many Voices, One God. His concept was good, but in the end,he failed to come to a proven ending. So, definitely taken out of it's intended context, I think I can fit this train of thought in here:
There is much that we need to learn about the whole emphasis on unity, on oneness. How do you arrive at oneness by rejecting what does not belong? That's how we Christians have tried to achieve unity: arriving at truth by refutation. That's why we have so many heretics in our history. We want to say so many things are wrong in order to establish what we think is right. We cannot handle plurality. Plurality is a very big problem for the monotheistic religions..[insert Churches, Denominations here]
1Co 12:4-11 “But there are differences of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are differences of workings, but it is the same God working all things in all. But to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit to our profit. For through the Spirit is given to one a word of wisdom; and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; and to another faith by the same Spirit; and to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; and to another workings of powers, to another prophecy; and to another discerning of spirits; and to another kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues. But the one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing separately to each one as He desires.”
The Douay-Rheims Bible substitutes the word gift for graces, which can put a little different interpretation on these verses....
4 Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit;.....And God indeed hath set some in the church; first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly doctors; after that miracles; then the graces of healing, helps, governments, kinds of tongues, interpretations of speeches. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all doctors? 30 Are all workers of miracles? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But be zealous for the better gifts. And I shew unto you yet a more excellent way.
A piece of fiction(also borrowed....
The story is told of Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian Cosmonaut and the first person to have gone into orbit and in outer space. When he came back to the earth, there was a reception for him in the Kremlin. During the course of the reception, Nikita Khrushchev, then the general secretary of the Communist Party and the head of state, slowly led him in the study and said, "Comrade Yuri, you are the first man to have gone into space. I want to ask you a question, and I want an honest answer from you. Out there in space, was there a heaven? Were there gates of pearl? Streets paved with gold? Angels? God? Did you see anything like that?" Yuri became very grave in his face and said, "Comrade, I cannot tell you the lie. Unfortunately, there is a heaven. I saw the gates of pearl and the angels there." Khrushchev said, "Well comrade, this is what I always feared. But you know that you cannot say this to anybody else, because the Communist Party depends on NOT having heaven up there." Then he was taken on a world tour to further propagate this great achievement of the Russian State. He also came to the Vatican, and he was given a reception in the Vatican and a private audience with the Pope. The Pope also took him aside and asked, "Brother Yuri, you are the first one to have gone into outer space. Now tell me, did you see a heaven and God and angels and Peter standing at the gates of pearl?" Yuri was reminded of the warning given by Khrushchev, so he said, "Holy Father, I am so sorry to tell you but there is no such thing up there." And the Pope said, "This is what I always feared. But you know you cannot talk about this outside."
It is possible that we take a very narrow view when we adopt the sectarian blinders. I just hope that we haven't taken such a narrow minded view, and made ourselves so lofty, we are using our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness. I am particularly drawn to 1Cor 12, verse 31 here, where we are being told that if we seek better gifts, God will show us a better way.
If you think I am trying to arrive at some misguided conclusion that gives me some particular wide birth to not living both a clean, and upright life, seeking God's will, I'm not.
Of late, everywhere I turn I see ladies that remind me of a lady of the church named Ramona(No, she can't possibly have that many sisters). There is something extraordinary in the appearance and modesty of this duplicated lady which sets her apart from the crowds. I have seen men which possess this appearance as well. Obviously Christian, no doubt. I have said before that the purity these people exude is a beautiful thing. The joy and liberty they have is enviable, and I believe that this setting apart is not due to some hobbling tutorship in doctrine, but as verse 31 says, they have sought better gifts, and have been shown a more excellent way, inclusively. Your thoughts are always welcomed.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Touch not; taste not; handle not;
Thought I'd lead off with this video I ran across while digging for something else (using God as an ATM machine). In light of some recent conversations, it was noteworthy enough that I wanted to post it here to get some input on this matter. It's been a while here since we put our brains and experiences together on an interesting subject. While some might disagree with Mr. McVey, I'd like a little more than "I disagree", please. Tell me why and what it is that doesn't sit well with you. I'd like to know.The subject matter is taken from Colossians 2. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, http://bible.cc/colossians/2-20.htm
I know this is over 2000 years old. If it's not in context, or out of date and doesn't apply to us, tell me why you think so...
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Back to Basics
No lack of things to do to around here. Kay helped with the flat fixing last night, there was no fussing either(infamous 3 f's). Best Saturday nite date she's ever had, she says.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Curtis gets a new ride today, these are night time pics as they were just getting in from the other side of Alex. Money maker here. I will try to add daylight photos before they pull out in the A.M.
Darrell gets a Tahoe to replace his defunct Z71, better pics later.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Although there is much left to be done, hope we accomplished some good, and left a little inspiration.
We also took a little time out for a couple of other things; a family outing at El Rancho,
a visit to Curt's farm, and a ride in Darrell's 'Too Deep' hotrod. Too bad I didn't get a picture :)
Charles & Debby had a short shopping trip Downtown Natchez,
and the girls wished at the Gift Box and Outdoors Galore.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Spider, spider
I should probably remove this fuzzy friend from this spot, but she sure is doing a good job of pest control here. Her small male friend was here for a few days, don't know where he went. He was about an eighth of her size.
Antiques & More
You may remember the picture I posted of Anthony's downtown shop. Seems he inspired more than the lady he sold his business to. We now have a fresh new block with all the new stores that have opened up. JMC Interiors & Consignment, Magnolias and Mudpies, Mississippi Gold
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Journal: Breaking & Entering
I broke in on two children today, scared them silly. They were so scared they were speechless. Ah, my stupid job. Guest overdue for checkout so I was asked to use the security key card that overrides the deadbolt. Occasionally, the deadbolt can become stuck if it hasn't been fully retracted, but the main reason for a deadbolted door is a fallen guest. Standard procedure has it that if a guest is due to depart on a given day, and, after a reasonable time, they haven't notified the front desk of their intention to stay, we go in and make sure they are okay. People do become ill, collapse, or even die on overnight stays.
After the desk had called up to the room, housekeeping had knocked on the door several times with no response, they called me. Emergency key in hand, I asked the HK supervisor to meet me up there. Knocking, announcing Maintenance! Housekeeping!.....no response. E-kay in door and a turn of the handle and the deadbolt gives up. Pushing on the door and calling out, the door only opens a few inches because the security bar (like the old timey chains) is also thrown. Someone is definitely in the room and unable to answer. Housekeeping stays while I go back down to get the bar throwing tool, back up and wrestle unsuccessfully to jimmy the safety bar. Front desk manager comes up and gives it a go while I go back to the shop and return with a tool to pry the latch off the door jamb through the two inch opening. It takes about twenty minutes of noisy conversation, prying, and hammering in all. It doesn't take but a minute more and I am the first one in the room, with HK, front desk/accountant manager, and the sales manager behind me.
There are two girls in the room sitting on the bed, one small girl about 6 or 7, and another that looks around 14. They are staring wide eyed with the oldest girl holding a cell phone to her ear talking to no one. We are jaw dropping dumbfounded. I ask the girls if they are okay.....nothing... I ask the girls if they are sick, do you need a doctor....nothing..... The larger girl is staring blankly ahead with the cell to her ear.....silence. We are getting nowhere with these children. After I see they apparently want no assistance, I turn to leave and tell the rest they are alright, they do not need me. Pam, the housekeeper says, somethings wrong, referring to the older girls blank stare, look at her eyes! You're the medic! I turn back and approach the two girls and repeat my questions, I walk in close and the big girls eyes follow me and I see tears welling up. These girls are scared to death, I don't think I've ever seen anyone frozen in total silence and movement. I see she isn't blind, I see she recognizes I'm there (no diabetic state here) , and I really can't get a response. I tell them they need to talk to us, if they are not ill and don't need a doctor, we are going to be calling the police in a few minutes. Finally! The little girl looks up at the older one and says; "Our Mama told us not to answer the door" Her voice is shaking but she has found the nerve to speak. Before this, I really couldn't tell whether they understood english or not, as they could possibly have been Jamaican or any other nationality. I asked if she also told them not to answer the phone and repeated my query as to whether or not they needed help. The little girl continues and explains that their mama is at the convention center, she gives Patti her mothers name, and is put to the twenty question test. The older girl still sits silently. I excuse myself from the room and tell Patti she can handle this, they don't need me. They go off to the convention center where they are holding a Workforce convention, it is well after checkout time.
A bit later I am outside and see the mother, I presume, running up the back ramp towards the hotel. I see she stops at the desk and I wait for an opportunity to apologize to her, and ask her to tell the girls I'm sorry.
I am not pleased with the way we have handled this. I go to lunch and get interrupted over the walkies, the desk manager wants to know what to charge for the repairs. I tell her over the radio "No charge for the door repairs". Not good enough, I suppose, she wants me to call her on the phone. I don't. I tell her I am at lunch, and can it wait. "No, it can't", she says. The sales manager comes to the restaurant and asks me the same thing. I repeat myself... "No charge for the door!".
The regular housekeeper for this floor tells that they did the same thing the day before, no service, no answer, do not disturb sign, and just laid the dirty towels outside on the floor. I learn also that the 14 year old is only 11, just big for her age. That is exactly what I told them before I heard it for sure.
I am positive I will hear more of this on Monday when the General Manager comes in. It doesn't matter, I will hold my ground. We seriously need to re-evaluate our protocol.
After the desk had called up to the room, housekeeping had knocked on the door several times with no response, they called me. Emergency key in hand, I asked the HK supervisor to meet me up there. Knocking, announcing Maintenance! Housekeeping!.....no response. E-kay in door and a turn of the handle and the deadbolt gives up. Pushing on the door and calling out, the door only opens a few inches because the security bar (like the old timey chains) is also thrown. Someone is definitely in the room and unable to answer. Housekeeping stays while I go back down to get the bar throwing tool, back up and wrestle unsuccessfully to jimmy the safety bar. Front desk manager comes up and gives it a go while I go back to the shop and return with a tool to pry the latch off the door jamb through the two inch opening. It takes about twenty minutes of noisy conversation, prying, and hammering in all. It doesn't take but a minute more and I am the first one in the room, with HK, front desk/accountant manager, and the sales manager behind me.
There are two girls in the room sitting on the bed, one small girl about 6 or 7, and another that looks around 14. They are staring wide eyed with the oldest girl holding a cell phone to her ear talking to no one. We are jaw dropping dumbfounded. I ask the girls if they are okay.....nothing... I ask the girls if they are sick, do you need a doctor....nothing..... The larger girl is staring blankly ahead with the cell to her ear.....silence. We are getting nowhere with these children. After I see they apparently want no assistance, I turn to leave and tell the rest they are alright, they do not need me. Pam, the housekeeper says, somethings wrong, referring to the older girls blank stare, look at her eyes! You're the medic! I turn back and approach the two girls and repeat my questions, I walk in close and the big girls eyes follow me and I see tears welling up. These girls are scared to death, I don't think I've ever seen anyone frozen in total silence and movement. I see she isn't blind, I see she recognizes I'm there (no diabetic state here) , and I really can't get a response. I tell them they need to talk to us, if they are not ill and don't need a doctor, we are going to be calling the police in a few minutes. Finally! The little girl looks up at the older one and says; "Our Mama told us not to answer the door" Her voice is shaking but she has found the nerve to speak. Before this, I really couldn't tell whether they understood english or not, as they could possibly have been Jamaican or any other nationality. I asked if she also told them not to answer the phone and repeated my query as to whether or not they needed help. The little girl continues and explains that their mama is at the convention center, she gives Patti her mothers name, and is put to the twenty question test. The older girl still sits silently. I excuse myself from the room and tell Patti she can handle this, they don't need me. They go off to the convention center where they are holding a Workforce convention, it is well after checkout time.
A bit later I am outside and see the mother, I presume, running up the back ramp towards the hotel. I see she stops at the desk and I wait for an opportunity to apologize to her, and ask her to tell the girls I'm sorry.
I am not pleased with the way we have handled this. I go to lunch and get interrupted over the walkies, the desk manager wants to know what to charge for the repairs. I tell her over the radio "No charge for the door repairs". Not good enough, I suppose, she wants me to call her on the phone. I don't. I tell her I am at lunch, and can it wait. "No, it can't", she says. The sales manager comes to the restaurant and asks me the same thing. I repeat myself... "No charge for the door!".
The regular housekeeper for this floor tells that they did the same thing the day before, no service, no answer, do not disturb sign, and just laid the dirty towels outside on the floor. I learn also that the 14 year old is only 11, just big for her age. That is exactly what I told them before I heard it for sure.
I am positive I will hear more of this on Monday when the General Manager comes in. It doesn't matter, I will hold my ground. We seriously need to re-evaluate our protocol.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Journal: Of Bikes & Boys
Okay, by now the 911 dispatcher has enough information that I can hang up.
ie: Motorcycle ran off the road, single rider, not conscious, and with a little help from the young man, a location; Just past L&R store, between Harrisonburg and Sandy Lake. It's been a while, but it's rather hard to forget the basics; Airway, Breathing, Circulation.
I found no pulse on the carotid, but did find a rapid heartbeat by palpitation. Large swelling on the right side of the head and so much blood pouring from his nose and mouth, my next concern was that he could drown or choke in his own fluids. While supporting his head, I asked for help to roll the guy off his face and into a sideways position to facilitate any breathing that he might be doing. He gasped several times for air, and I at least knew, after more than a few, that this was breathing, and not death rasps. This young man had little hopes of survival, but as his blood ran though my fingers, he would not die from me standing idle. He does have a name. It will be a miracle if he is still alive tonight, but as I continued to cradle his head in my hand and used the other to check for neck, spinal, and other life threatening or major injuries, I asked for a blanket as he was beginning to get cold due to shock. I called his name, told him to hang in, told him help was coming. By this time there are many more vehicles, bystanders, and deputies, and of all places they want cleared for the ambulance a few minutes away is my truck, which is completely off the shoulder in the grass at a precarious lean. I told the deputy the Dakota was mine, and when someone asked do I mind if they move it, I told him I don't think you can, you have to turn on the key switch and then start it with the wires. They seemed confused, so another fellow offered to take my place while I moved the truck. A few brief instructions later, and I went to move the truck. Knowing it would spin on the steep ditch, I could only go backwards as far as the next vehicle behind me. Back to the rider, I took up position on the opposite side as the ambulance pulled up and discharged it's passengers. A lady, Paramedic maybe, I didn't notice the patch, approached us and did the same thing I did. Stopped, quick visual assessment, and turned back toward the ambulance barking orders. C-collar, gauze did she say?, backboard. Deputies were helping with the stretcher. When she came back I helped her get the c-collar on which wasn't positioned correctly under the chin (from my vantage) after sliding the neck brace around, she cinched it up tightly and asked for the back board.
Unable to get the backboard completely behind him because of the way he had landed with his legs through the tree trunks, we had to place it behind him and instead pull him up into position and then roll him with the board on his back. I never like this part of laying people on their back when they are bleeding from the nose and mouth so badly, but this is her call, her job. I managed to get the two lower straps secured and then crossed his arms to his torso, wishing they were under the straps, but there were enough helping hands to take the backboard and prevent his arms from flailing off the sides as they carried him up the hill to the stretcher. The gentlemen said he didn't have a pulse, but the Paramedic said "Yes, he has a pulse." I agreed, I say, "He still has a small pulse" as he was still taking short and long between gasps.
Within a few minutes, the ambulance was leaving, the gentleman that took my spot while I moved the truck, shook my hand and told me thank you for your help. For why, I don't know. He says we need to wash up. but there is no way to do so, the only bottled water is just gone with the ambulance. I am relieved, so I will go, I notice the long two wheeled sideways slide marks as the rider appeared to do everything right; Braking, laying the bike down, and riding with it letting the bike take the bumps. This was no inexperienced rider. If not for the multi-branched tree which propelled him up and sideways against it's branches as the bike slammed into it, this young man might have walked away with no more than a few scrapes and bruises. As it is, I have little thought that he survived. As I told someone there who was calling his name and asking can he hear them, "He hit his head pretty hard, he's not going to hear us". The young lady in the truck has explained several times that they waved at the rider, Casey, in front of the store, and that he was behind them and then they saw him in the rearview mirror, he just went off the side of the road.
As it turns out, I find out that this is a rider that I meet on the highway everyday as I go to work, usually as he passes me up and turns into a local dealership where he worked..., it's a small world.
Addendum: 7-11-10 This article was written September 26th, 2009, the day of the accident. I was not going to post this article until a year had passed, however, I have decided differently.
This young man apparently was not the same young man employed at the shop behind the local dealership, as I have seen this rider a few times since. The young man on the motorcycle did not survive. A lady who identified herself as the mother called me several days after I gave the State Trooper my statement and asked me if they had ran her son off the road, as there was bad blood between them (the trucks occupants and the bike rider). I told her that the investigators would work through all of that, to wait and let them do their job. I really did not wish to get tied up in some contentious litigation between these families. The image here is a snapshot I took as I was passing back by the site, I do not know the relationship of these bystanders. I also had a bit of trouble with my truck after being parked on the steep ditch and it did not want to pull away or shift gears. There are other odd happenings and feelings I could relate here that could be attributed to my conscience and coincidence, but it only clouds the facts.
The statement I gave the Trooper was less than perfect, and may have seemed somewhat evasive, as my original intent was to give an anonymous tip that he could corroborate with the evidence, and most hopefully, other witness statements from the store. I do not know how this turned out, as I have had no further contact. I suspect that there was not enough evidence to prove conclusively that these people deliberately caused this young mans death, however, there is no doubt in my mind what I saw. These people were complicit in this tragedy, and had they not forced this rider from the road, he would not have become just another sad motorcycle statistic, not on this day, anyway.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Diet
Thin as a rail
Here is the evidence that my diet is working as planned.
There are no hunger pangs, no rickets or malnutrition with this diet, guaranteed.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cowboy for a Day
Lucky for him, nothing happened. We have proof of nothing happening here,
some of the images I spared you with, so as not to over excite:
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Belated Birthday
Too Deep
Here are photos of Saturdays race event. Everyone involved was deliriously happy with the driver, the truck, and the winning combination that produced this winner.
Winners Circle
New for this run was a full manual reverse valve body, new B&M magashifter, 3' shift cable, lower stainless steel radiator hose, and numerous tweaks. Also new was the confidence and comfort with the truck he gained on each successful run. My worries about the back to back elimination heats were put to rest. We are still working on the engine overheating, so the driver doesn't have so much to do and watch in the cockpit. Need more $$$ :)
Built for the mud, 'Too Deep' will only be a spectator at the nefarious horseshoe mud track today, which has an $8,000 first place pay-out. Because of the possible damages of the demolition style mud pit race with speeds in excess of 80 mph, this isn't something he wants to chance, not yet anyway.
Most of all, credit goes to the driver, and to God, whom we asked for a good day. We couldn't get any better.
Winners Circle
New for this run was a full manual reverse valve body, new B&M magashifter, 3' shift cable, lower stainless steel radiator hose, and numerous tweaks. Also new was the confidence and comfort with the truck he gained on each successful run. My worries about the back to back elimination heats were put to rest. We are still working on the engine overheating, so the driver doesn't have so much to do and watch in the cockpit. Need more $$$ :)
Built for the mud, 'Too Deep' will only be a spectator at the nefarious horseshoe mud track today, which has an $8,000 first place pay-out. Because of the possible damages of the demolition style mud pit race with speeds in excess of 80 mph, this isn't something he wants to chance, not yet anyway.
Most of all, credit goes to the driver, and to God, whom we asked for a good day. We couldn't get any better.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Here are some photos of Spring which has arrived with a flourish.
everyday is new and I can't keep up. That's why you'll see some almost duplicates. Looking for the best one.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
Bankruptcy, Erasing the Stigma
Ninety percent of all debtors feel some sort of moral requirement to repay their debt. In recent years, as Wall Street investment firms and Big Banks have led us down a tempting path to buy now, pay later, more and more people are coming to the realization that Economics is just a game, usually with the biggest players holding all the Aces. Fast forward to 2010. In the current economic downturn, people are becoming less sympathetic, even downright angry. Banks have stifled credit lines and are hoarding money, all the while borrowing heavily from the American workers, who are the backbone of capitalism and prosperity. We have given them extremely generous repayment terms and they have repaid us by reducing our available credit, canceling $0 balance credit cards, and raising fees for everything along with the kitchen sink. They have refused to work with the federal programs to stem the tide of foreclosures, and made haste to beat the new consumer protection laws. Those whose hard earned credit scores have taken years to build and are watching them plummet through little fault of their own will get the point I make here. While investment firms, insurance companies, and large corporations (think Detroit) “too big to fail” are filing for bankruptcy protection right and left for restructuring, debt reduction, and/or debt forgiveness, we convince ourselves that this is the right thing to do, our economy is dependent on it. Whole countries and provinces are insolvent and bleeding red ink (think Greece), but we simply don't attach the same sense of moral obligation or standards to these entities as we have been taught to hold ourselves to.
Much to the Big Banks dismay, and precisely because of the buy now/pay later offers that have flooded our mailboxes and other advertising gimmicks pushed on us over the last fifteen years, debtors are tiring of this game. There are billions of dollars at stake as consumers are waking up and getting their newly revamped credit card statements in the mails showing exactly how many years it will take to pay off their credit lines. Sticker shock sets in as they can see what the CC companies have tried hard to diminish, ie: decades can be spent paying off debt, in fact, if you paid your accounts like the good little boys and girls you are told to be, you will have paid off your original debts and charges by as much as 100 fold. Truth is, the good credit score is a sandpit, with lenders selling credit lines and credit reporting agencies cashing in on selling your personal information. How could big banks hand out thousands and thousands of dollars in unsecured credit lines? They weren't. They were investing in the moral stigmata of your playing the credit score game. They were investing in your future earnings. They were making paper money off thin air, all they needed was your signature. 90% of us have our souls attached to our good name. Many have sold it to the devil. They have spent years building up these social castes, rewarding more points to those who played the game well, punishing the poor with the greatest burdens, higher interest rates, less available credit, more repossession, foreclosures, and demerits.
Since 2002, the year the credit card apps and pre-approvals began flooding our mailbox, We have paid out $59,725.01 to credit card companies on the buy now, pay later plan. Lines of credit were soaring, credit scores steadily climbed higher toward that elusive 750+ club. This past year alone, in thirteen short months from January 09 to March 10, $13,288.01. In late 2007, early 2008, the banks began reducing lines of credit causing scores to suffer. In 2010, we are still more than $53,000 in credit card debt (didn't I pay anything?), Guess what? We don't have $50,000 worth of neat new stuff, can't get any neat new stuff, and furthermore, I didn't even buy $50,000 of stuff, much less over $110,000 worth. I would be dead before paying down this load, leaving my spouse to do battle with the legions. How moral is that? Over the last few years I have watched our disposable income shrink as we paid out more and more to the credit card companies while keeping a watchful eye on our income, our progressive years, and seeing our standard of living slowly decline. I am smart enough to know that this wasn't a good game of chance we were playing. I held all the jokers in a jokers aren't wild card game. Don't get me wrong, we are not destitute, we are not hungry. Thankfully, a lawyer tells me this is not a prerequisite. We were current with all but two of my creditors, and those were by choice. As the waters swelled deeper, and the waves threatened to beach the boat, and then with Kay's sudden retirement, I now had the resolve to do what we needed to do months if not years earlier. I took the first step toward resolving our cash flow problem. I contacted a bankruptcy attorney.
I've done the homework, I've done the research. I even entered into a hard to get out of trial debt settlement plan with Credit Solutions scam company a couple of years ago. I had to close a long standing savings account to keep these scammers from stealing my hard earned money. They promise to help you settle your existing debt for a percentage of your outstanding debt. My advice: Don't do it! You can ruin your credit all by yourself and save a ton of money. Most banks/cc companies don't recognize, do business with, nor are they legally obligated to do business with any third party negotiator. If you just insist, there is only one company that I might suggest, one the credit card companies play along with, and they have teamed up with C.C.C.S. as well as they are also authorized to do pre-bankruptcy counseling for the US Bankruptcy Trustees. Look them up if you want: MMI http://www.moneymanagement.org/
If you are interested in a review of a few debt settlement companies you can read this short one: http://www.topconsumerreviews.com/debt-relief/detailed-reviews.php Otherwise, see a lawyer.
Wipe out that debt in a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 and do it legally and as painlessly as possible. Don't worry, you will reduce your debt and save yourself a lot quicker than any other way, and, you will regain your credit. There are pay as you go car lots, there are secured credit cards. It is advisable to have at least one home town loan officer that you are personally familiar with, but this should not be any deciding factor. Here is a good resource for familiarizing yourself with the ins and outs of bankruptcy.
read: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/questions.htm
Chapter 7- All debt discharged 45-90 days. Check your state to see what you can keep, usually 1 house, 1 car, items with less than $500 in value. Ask a Lawyer!
Chapter 13 – Keep everything you want to keep. If you owe money on it, like a house a boat, a car, or a piece of property, you may have to pay all or a portion of it. Ask a Lawyer! It's free to consult, so be prepared: 3 or 5 year repayment plan. Unsecured debt gets 0-100% of timely filed claims, mostly 0%. Many creditors don't bother.
find: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/attorneys.htm
Fill out this form: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/application.htm
These are all the same questions you will need answers for at a lawyers office. You will need most, if not all, of this information so he can better help you and so you can avoid return trips. Also, you will have to do a phone or internet (phone is preferable to avoid mistakes) pre-bankruptcy counseling session ---- Know your budget numbers! (Quicken printouts was invaluable for this) Don't give away vehicles or property prior to filing. Sell them if you must for a few dollars, too little to pay off debt but enough to buy groceries, pay light bill, etc.
I am not advocating bankruptcy. I am saying it is not a sin. It is not the shameful act of cowards. It takes a wise person to find him/her self at this place in life and make the best choice for their family.
For the last several years, I have assumed most of Kay's debt, and some of our oldest. We have assisted them through many endeavors, college not being one of their choices, and we have reached the end of our borrowing power. With Kay's signature on several co-loans, our boys have footholds, but the banks have also diminished, through the credit score model game, her ability to help. In this community property state, my debt is her debt, her debt is mine. Check yours.
Tried uploading a few pictures but the uploader failed so hope I haven't bored any of you silly :) We are in good health and spirits, we have a way to go.
Much to the Big Banks dismay, and precisely because of the buy now/pay later offers that have flooded our mailboxes and other advertising gimmicks pushed on us over the last fifteen years, debtors are tiring of this game. There are billions of dollars at stake as consumers are waking up and getting their newly revamped credit card statements in the mails showing exactly how many years it will take to pay off their credit lines. Sticker shock sets in as they can see what the CC companies have tried hard to diminish, ie: decades can be spent paying off debt, in fact, if you paid your accounts like the good little boys and girls you are told to be, you will have paid off your original debts and charges by as much as 100 fold. Truth is, the good credit score is a sandpit, with lenders selling credit lines and credit reporting agencies cashing in on selling your personal information. How could big banks hand out thousands and thousands of dollars in unsecured credit lines? They weren't. They were investing in the moral stigmata of your playing the credit score game. They were investing in your future earnings. They were making paper money off thin air, all they needed was your signature. 90% of us have our souls attached to our good name. Many have sold it to the devil. They have spent years building up these social castes, rewarding more points to those who played the game well, punishing the poor with the greatest burdens, higher interest rates, less available credit, more repossession, foreclosures, and demerits.
Since 2002, the year the credit card apps and pre-approvals began flooding our mailbox, We have paid out $59,725.01 to credit card companies on the buy now, pay later plan. Lines of credit were soaring, credit scores steadily climbed higher toward that elusive 750+ club. This past year alone, in thirteen short months from January 09 to March 10, $13,288.01. In late 2007, early 2008, the banks began reducing lines of credit causing scores to suffer. In 2010, we are still more than $53,000 in credit card debt (didn't I pay anything?), Guess what? We don't have $50,000 worth of neat new stuff, can't get any neat new stuff, and furthermore, I didn't even buy $50,000 of stuff, much less over $110,000 worth. I would be dead before paying down this load, leaving my spouse to do battle with the legions. How moral is that? Over the last few years I have watched our disposable income shrink as we paid out more and more to the credit card companies while keeping a watchful eye on our income, our progressive years, and seeing our standard of living slowly decline. I am smart enough to know that this wasn't a good game of chance we were playing. I held all the jokers in a jokers aren't wild card game. Don't get me wrong, we are not destitute, we are not hungry. Thankfully, a lawyer tells me this is not a prerequisite. We were current with all but two of my creditors, and those were by choice. As the waters swelled deeper, and the waves threatened to beach the boat, and then with Kay's sudden retirement, I now had the resolve to do what we needed to do months if not years earlier. I took the first step toward resolving our cash flow problem. I contacted a bankruptcy attorney.
I've done the homework, I've done the research. I even entered into a hard to get out of trial debt settlement plan with Credit Solutions scam company a couple of years ago. I had to close a long standing savings account to keep these scammers from stealing my hard earned money. They promise to help you settle your existing debt for a percentage of your outstanding debt. My advice: Don't do it! You can ruin your credit all by yourself and save a ton of money. Most banks/cc companies don't recognize, do business with, nor are they legally obligated to do business with any third party negotiator. If you just insist, there is only one company that I might suggest, one the credit card companies play along with, and they have teamed up with C.C.C.S. as well as they are also authorized to do pre-bankruptcy counseling for the US Bankruptcy Trustees. Look them up if you want: MMI http://www.moneymanagement.org/
If you are interested in a review of a few debt settlement companies you can read this short one: http://www.topconsumerreviews.com/debt-relief/detailed-reviews.php Otherwise, see a lawyer.
Wipe out that debt in a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 and do it legally and as painlessly as possible. Don't worry, you will reduce your debt and save yourself a lot quicker than any other way, and, you will regain your credit. There are pay as you go car lots, there are secured credit cards. It is advisable to have at least one home town loan officer that you are personally familiar with, but this should not be any deciding factor. Here is a good resource for familiarizing yourself with the ins and outs of bankruptcy.
read: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/questions.htm
Chapter 7- All debt discharged 45-90 days. Check your state to see what you can keep, usually 1 house, 1 car, items with less than $500 in value. Ask a Lawyer!
Chapter 13 – Keep everything you want to keep. If you owe money on it, like a house a boat, a car, or a piece of property, you may have to pay all or a portion of it. Ask a Lawyer! It's free to consult, so be prepared: 3 or 5 year repayment plan. Unsecured debt gets 0-100% of timely filed claims, mostly 0%. Many creditors don't bother.
find: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/attorneys.htm
Fill out this form: http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/application.htm
These are all the same questions you will need answers for at a lawyers office. You will need most, if not all, of this information so he can better help you and so you can avoid return trips. Also, you will have to do a phone or internet (phone is preferable to avoid mistakes) pre-bankruptcy counseling session ---- Know your budget numbers! (Quicken printouts was invaluable for this) Don't give away vehicles or property prior to filing. Sell them if you must for a few dollars, too little to pay off debt but enough to buy groceries, pay light bill, etc.
I am not advocating bankruptcy. I am saying it is not a sin. It is not the shameful act of cowards. It takes a wise person to find him/her self at this place in life and make the best choice for their family.
For the last several years, I have assumed most of Kay's debt, and some of our oldest. We have assisted them through many endeavors, college not being one of their choices, and we have reached the end of our borrowing power. With Kay's signature on several co-loans, our boys have footholds, but the banks have also diminished, through the credit score model game, her ability to help. In this community property state, my debt is her debt, her debt is mine. Check yours.
Tried uploading a few pictures but the uploader failed so hope I haven't bored any of you silly :) We are in good health and spirits, we have a way to go.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
this & that
I saw a simple but poignant bumper sticker a few days ago.
"God Bless Everybody, No Exceptions"
Sometimes we get lost in our own concerns, and selfishly believe that we are the most important
person, nation, religion, etc. and fail to see that God cares about all.
"God Bless Everybody, No Exceptions"
Sometimes we get lost in our own concerns, and selfishly believe that we are the most important
person, nation, religion, etc. and fail to see that God cares about all.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ran across this concerto a while back. 'Lydia' by Tim Story, 1994 compilation.
Maybe you will like it.
Maybe you will like it.
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