Here are some photos of Spring which has arrived with a flourish. everyday is new and I can't keep up. That's why you'll see some almost duplicates. Looking for the best one.
You're right. So many subtle changes along the way. Is that the self-sown wild tree that has grown so large? I've gotta run, but I'll be back to look at them more slowly. . .
Both, technically. Monkey grass, mondo grass, and liriope are not really grasses but members of the Lily family (Liliaceae). That's why one of their common names is lily turf. This one is more than likely liriope.
What kind of border is this along the drive? Daylily? or a grass?
You're right. So many subtle changes along the way. Is that the self-sown wild tree that has grown so large?
I've gotta run, but I'll be back to look at them more slowly. . .
Both, technically. Monkey grass, mondo grass, and liriope are not really grasses but members of the Lily family (Liliaceae). That's why one of their common names is lily turf.
This one is more than likely liriope.
Well all this beauty makes me miss working in the yards this yr. Concrete all around me now. :(
Everything looks beautiful!!!
Spring is a welcome sight. We are enjoying the flowers.
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