Saturday, January 01, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010, that is.
I suppose we've passed the reins to our youngest this year as my enthusiasm and pocketbook were both running low. We purchased a few inexpensive gifts, but the registers never seem to recognize that when it adds up the tally. Curtis did the lions share, from purchasing a new tree to over filling its repository.


Lydia Carroll said...

God bless Curt for the lion's share; such a sweet boy. The tree is pretty, I like the topper. Looks like fun festivities going on. God Bless my family.

Lydia Carroll said...

Is that Francis? Somebody is slowly killing her? She looks as old as her dad.

Lydia Carroll said...

You look good here Byron. Did you doctor up or you just eating and sleeping right? .

Lydia Carroll said...

KAYE! I can't believe you girl! Been living with my brother long enough to wear off i see. ;)))

Byron @ said...

Well, thankye, didn't think I looked so well myself. Doing nothing of the sort, usual not enough sleep, too much to eat :)

Byron @ said...

Yes, I've totally ruined him.

Byron @ said...

I could upload a photo of her hubby for you :)

Byron @ said...

Yeah, she is a bad influence on me.

Lydia Carroll said...

Byron @ said...

Good things always have their bad counterparts. What we have to remember is this is not how is was in the beginning - anything can be subverted, even the perfect garden of Eden, which also had it's no-no. If we can think of it, we can twist it. I'll stick with Romans 14: 5, 6.
Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Charles Cirilo said...

I truly hate to disappoint anyone, but I don't fall into any of those categories.

1. I know where some of the elements utilized in the Christmas celebration began.
2. So what. "It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it is a Walt Disney character", but not necessarily a duck. Similarities do not establish anything. We do not do as the heathen do, we worship the one and only true God regardless of the trappings of that celebration.
3. Those traditions were not Christian, therefore, they have zero bearing on the Christian celebration considering anything to do with the birth of Jesus Christ is so contrary to paganism both in spirit and meaning as to be completely irrelevant to the discussion.
4. Constantine's conversion has nothing to do with either the paganistic origins of some traditions, nor of the birth of Jesus. He is given credit he doesn't deserve.
5. I do not celebrate Christmas just to have a party, nor to prevent my family from being ostracized by others. I celebrate the wonder of God's love for all mankind; "... the mystery of godliness, that God was manifested in the flesh ...", and I celebrate the wonderful gift of my family more than the gifts given or received, which are merely emblematic of God's gifts to us, in the same fashion as foot washing, communion, or many various Christian traditions.

It has been my experience, and my observation for many years that those who religiously avoid the celebration of Christmas have lost the capacity to be moved by his birth. While they reverently weep for the wonder of his selflessness at Gethsemane and Golgotha, their hearts are rigidly set as stone at the annual appearance before a reckless world of the commemoration of the wonder of Bethlehem. The prophecy of a long ago sage that was meant to be fulfilled 2 millennia ago, "You are such a small and insignificant place, Bethlehem-Ephratah", has been perpetuated by the continuing diminishment of the greatest moment in human history by those who can not bear it be highlighted annually by those who still cherish the wonder of it all. And I am not surprised, for so clever has been the Serpents arguments since the beginning when he stole Eden from Adam. His method? a lot of historical truth, and a little grain of lies.

Charles Cirilo said...

I am so glad you guys found a way to pull off a wonderful Christmas day. We understand the narrowness of things. Our Christmas was profoundly affected by thinner pocketbooks as well, but not just beneath the tree, Financial considerations kept my two babies and their little families from being able to come to us this year. This has been more difficult to imagine in my old heart, yet I thank God for their continuous love through the season, an the entire year.

Merry Christmas!!

Byron @ said...

Sorry to hear that old fella, I can relate. It has been quite awkward since Darrell & Heathers divorce, visits are very rare and far between even though they live next door. We have yet to manage getting Darrell and his kids together to open the gifts he left them under our tree, it may not happen how we want it to.
On a kinder note, they were allowed to sit and talk with me about 10 minutes at Eola lunch the other day, and I thanked God for that not so minor blessing. It must be the season :)

Charles Cirilo said...

Thank God for small gifts. They can mean so much.

Linda Aaberg said...

Christmas is magical time of the year. Many blessings are given and received. Mom is still here and Celebrated her 95th Birthday Jan 1. God bless all my
family. And I am still planning a trip out there with on of my grandchildren I can't get my sisters to commit!! How I miss our grandparents!!

Lydia Carroll said...

I don’t believe I said exactly either of those things. I do know I wasn't there, so have nothing but (as you said) historical truth to refer to. It didn’t make nor break Constantine’s conversion. As I said, it’s a condensed version. Something He did `because of his conversion. We can believe it or leave it; as we do with many things.
And you’re welcome to add your own category, Byron too if he cares to add one.

As far as those who religiously avoid celebrating Christmas loosing the capacity to be moved by his birth, is far removed from anyone that I have 'ever' observed, in any of the yrs that I have observed them. Including you brother, who didn't for several many yrs. Those people were, and are very dedicated to His birth, His life and His death. And it's not unusual, even among the mere mortal who have lost a loved one, to weep reverently over their death. The event being, in fact, most commonly spoken of, more so than their birth. I wouldn't expect anything less with Christ, who laid down his life for our redemption. His birth wouldn't have quite gotten the job finished. Not that his life isn't reverenced, just not of course, in the way that seems so significant to some. But of course we are speaking of the minimal lot, that even thought of Christ, said a prayer, or mentioned his name during Christmas.
Wonderful if you feel your celebrating family. That is, quite frankly, what I'd be doing during such a time. Some folks don't feel they need Christmas to do that. And I only say that in defense of those who get slandered for making an opposite choice.

As I said, I am not offended by those who celebrate Holidays. And I might add that neither should I be offended at those who don't. In fact I, of all people should understand. And I'll try to remember that if I get you another Christmas gift.

Some folks just try to walk by the letter, even if it’s the letter of law. I don’t propose that as being the best policy for you, but I do assert that as being sincere on their part. And that is my only reason for argument.

We have all learned a lot of things thru observation Chal, but I have continued long enough to see the same menacing prejudice from both sides of the fence. That I hate, more than anything. That is what I work to rectify. According to the law of Jesus, that is more important than whether anyone does, or does not, esteem one day above another. Of the three, in my view, it is the `only one thing that will cost a soul.

A lot of historical truth, and a little grain of lies.
Funny that you'd lean the pendulum in that direction.

Charles Cirilo said...

I don't want to ruin the spirit of Byron's Christmas.

Byron @ said...

Yeah, it's still Christmastide, and we haven't taken our tree down.

Byron @ said...

Good news from the West Coast. Glad your Mom is better and hoping her many more good days ahead.
Don't fret over the trip, it'll happen or not.

Lydia Carroll said...

Same to you Linda. So grateful that you've had another yr with your Mom. Hope you all had a joyous Christmas. We love you everyone. Have a happy new yr.

PS: Don't pay attention to our discourse. Byron started it. ;)

Byron @ said...

Purposely, I might add. Kool-Aid, anyone?

Lydia Carroll said...

Haha. We knew that. gulp! ***(now they're gonna miss me)

Veronica Stone said...

That makes two of us Bunny. Just thought I was being lazy about it. I left mine up one year til July 4th. I have thought about leaving it up year round and just changing the deco each month.

Byron @ said...

Now that's a good thought!

Veronica Stone said...

It's fun to do weird things.

Tina Hendrix said...

Yes Mom, that's where I get it from.

Veronica Stone said...

The nut doesn't fall far from the tree! hee hee

Aaron C said...

Thank God for Jesus.. He was born once so we could be born again.


Byron @ said...

I prefer Christmas over July 4th. I see many people blowing up their $$ in a few minutes of sparkles.

Charles Cirilo said...

Speaking of a sin . . .