Friday, February 11, 2011

DIY, again.

At least a couple hours are necessary here to brace and cut it out of the way.


Charles Cirilo said...

It's always something. Can't move the can over?

Charles Cirilo said...

Looks like a WWI, WWII Tommy helmet . . . What's it for?

Charles Cirilo said...

Wow. Nice change. The glow of brass is good for your complexion. is this for a project, or is the bowl the project?

Lydia Carroll said...

awh man!

Lydia Carroll said...

wow! I see you needed some shades for that great shine job. Love the *for use* item.

Byron @ said...

If it wasn't for the symmetry, I would. This was a change/add order from the boss.

Byron @ said...

This brass bowl given to Kay is strongly being considering as a pot filler sink in the trash can cabinet next to the stove. You might have to refer back to the architectural drawing I posted earlier. kitchen_r.JPG

Charles Cirilo said...

It's certainly pretty.

Byron @ said...

Do you know if home depot carries a 90° sink drain? I found one sold by a marine supplier:

Viola Hayes said...


Charles Cirilo said...

I'll look tomorrow when I get to work.

Byron @ said...

Temporarily stuck. I changed the blueprint and am now in need of an articulating hinge of some sort for this z shaped door.
I think I need a 175° hinge made for slideout drawer cabinets. Not sure yet.

Byron @ said...

Far as I got today. Cut down a drawer and moved the slides, scribed, scribed, and scribed some more. Enough sawdust for a small forest with little to show for it.

Byron @ said...

Hey, yeah. Thanks.

Dianne Cirilo said...

Hi, just one question, you did such a good job polishing the brass bowl ( which I love ) and thats why you had sun glasses on in the house? hehe
Really like the color on the cabinets.

Byron @ said...

That, and I'm a cool cat ;)

Linda Aaberg said...

I looked at your photo and saw my nephew Tim and a little bit of Uncle Dan!! Family ties sure come out in the generations!!

Charles Cirilo said...

Which one? on the left?

Charles Cirilo said...

Lookin' good. Stuff takes time.

Charles Cirilo said...

This is a great start. Changing things up a good bit.

Linda Aaberg said...

The one cleaning the bowl!!

Aaron C said...

some changing going on.. :)

Byron @ said...

Yeah. Any suggestions? Building the crooked door isn't a problem, figuring out the trim is, and whether to make the door overlay or inset because of it.
The counter top on the left will swing with the door, the overhang trim sticks out 1 1/4 inches. On a convention hinge, flush trim will leave a 3/4 inch gap when closed, if it overhangs 3/4 inch to meet the side trim, it binds. I'll figure it out eventually, but it's a head scratcher.

Charles Cirilo said...

I would not connect the upper cabinet door to the bottom door, or vice-versa. I would have the countertop swing in and out with either the top door or the bottom door. Doing it in such a way alleviates a lot of problem. If swinging with the bottom the counter would have to be cleaned off every time the upper door was opened. If swinging with the upper door, it need not be cleaned off at all.

Byron @ said...

This just in....overlay. Has to be overlay to work.

Charles Cirilo said...

There's several styles with different degree of opening. Get the one you need.

Byron @ said...

Thanks. Just the break I needed.

Charles Cirilo said...


Lydia Carroll said...

mmmm, how far along have you gotten with this project? I'd be concerned abt a swinging counter top. Why not just open a narrow broom closet door from the left side of the cabinet and add drawers or shelving to the bottom front? Then no need to have a ziz-zag door or a moving counter top.

Byron @ said...

Where were you guys when I was drawing up my doodle?
I've actually implemented portions of both yours and Charles' idea, along with my own.
When I get a picture up you'll see.

Lydia Carroll said...

Guess I was so focused on the appearance of columns, that I didn't pay enough attention to the details_ my bad.
Can hardly wait to see how it turns out.

Charles Cirilo said...

It will be great. When Lydia and I are next there we will autograph it for you.

Byron @ said...

No kidding, this is hard work. 20.5° 45° 9° slope.

Byron @ said...

Probably will be cutting this down some for proper scale.

Lydia Carroll said...


Lydia Carroll said...


Lydia Carroll said...

sweet kid.

Lydia Carroll said...

Looks good to me. Have to say I like it without the dowel railing.

Lydia Carroll said...

Looks really good.

Lydia Carroll said...

I like the it how Kaye likes it.

Byron @ said...

Yeah, we've discussed that too.

Charles Cirilo said...

Looking good! i take it you built the hood. And the door looks great, too.

Charles Cirilo said...

Nice combination for the stove back splash.

Charles Cirilo said...

Is this a soffet for your cabinets?

Charles Cirilo said...

Is his name Larry?

Charles Cirilo said...

Nice, real nice. Will you be wrapping it with your crown mold scheme. I think Kay will approve if you do. It will integrate more perfectly into the overall scheme of the room. IMHO

Charles Cirilo said...

Knocked it out of the ballpark.

Charles Cirilo said...

Very clever. The hinge at that point all the way down . . . what a deal . . . in a good way.

Charles Cirilo said...

My opinion, no stagecoach rail, and put the soffet back on it with the crown going around. In spite of opinions that may be to the contrary, the soffet adds definition, preserves the chimney aspect of the hood, and offers the opportunity to put additional molding on the unit.

It looks less dynamic, less defined without the soffet:


Additionally, the soffet ties the top of your cabinetry to the soffeting you did over the original cabinets

Charles Cirilo said...

Really great work, Little Bro. You've tackled a project that intimidates many to the point of doing nothing. You ought tot be proud of yourself. I am.

Charles Cirilo said...

I absolutely love the beautiful counter tops.

Byron @ said...

Not exactly, although that is an option if I mess up the plaster crown work.

Byron @ said...

I got the thought from you. I have no clue why I was struggling with trying to hinge/swing with the bottom door. Just hinge from the top..duh.
Also opens from the side similar to Lydia's suggestion, with shelves. I was a little far along to opt for a stationary counter top without a complete dismantle.
Could be done, of course.

Byron @ said...

Of course :)

Byron @ said...

Intimidates me too- more than I thought. I have new respect for your kitchen overhauls, the speed, quality and how you make it look easy. It isn't.

Byron @ said...

Glad you see a chimney. The thought for the soffet is for the plaster crown, when I get it done, maybe the weekend.
One reason why it's removable is so I can attach it easier. I will be cutting it down smaller so the bigger crown isn't so huge, and so it will look like an old fashioned hearth flue.
If I can't pull it off or hate it I have a backup wood pile.

Byron @ said...

That's Kay's work, as well as the stain on the hood, the painting, the medallion and faux paint from the carport for the backsplash, the backless stove, fake drawer door fronts, the red cookie jar (not shown) and countless other ideas. I've awoken the beast :)

Byron @ said...

That's my signature mark where the saw blade gouged out 2 huge places on the side. Plywood compound miter cuts on a ten inch table saw isn't my forte.

Charles Cirilo said...

All of your answers were good. Straight to the point and very clear. I feel better now.
I see the work as collaborative; you and Kay are doing a fine job, and it is definitely going well.
i am not so quick as I'd like to be. That kind of work is time consuming, and as you've said, demanding. The table saw work is tough, and a lot of people don't take the extra effort to miter the corners in. When you do the finish is worth it.
I had forgotten about your rescued plaster molding, so i look forward to seeing it implemented on the hood.
Again, I'm proud to see you tackle the cabinet work. It isn't often the work of laymen, so you've grown in your regard for your capabilities. Good for you.

Lydia Carroll said...

yep, thats what I said. Was afraid to say I like the whole chimney look too cause I didn't know what Kaye wanted yet. :)

Lydia Carroll said...

Me too. Kayes doing a knock up job with the stain. I love all that.

Charles Cirilo said...

When Kay wants the wrong thing she just has to let the carpenter do it right. Esp since he is the only one who knows how to do it. ;o)

Byron @ said...

She pulled out a picture of a hood from a magazine and said "Can you build it like this?". With the exception of the elaborate wood trim that I don't have access to, I'm close.
What Kay doesn't like about the soffet is the way the overlap shortens the height and slant of the hood by 1 1/2 inches, but I agree. It turned out that way when she changed the hood from painting to staining. It's just easier on the ground. She would also be perfectly happy if I abandoned my delusions of plaster crown and crowned it in like the ceiling molding, but relents to my stubbornness-conditionally. I assure her that if it isn't attractive I'll revert to the wood... so, in the end she wins either way.

Charles Cirilo said...

I take it you'll be making the soffet only as large as it takes to mount the molding on it, correct?

Byron @ said...

Yep. The molding will determine the width and depth but stays as tall as it is now. It will likely sit on top of the hood and maybe slightly smaller if thick plaster.
If wood just as wide as the top.

Byron @ said...

Anatomy of a crazy man.

Charles Cirilo said...

You may wish you had a dust mask on. It isn't something I like to wear, but the sinus issues it causes are terrible.

Charles Cirilo said...

I see where you're going now. Looking forward to the crown mold.

Charles Cirilo said...

Very pretty. Git er dun.

Lydia Carroll said...

I like your kind of crazy.

Lydia Carroll said...

yep, thats what I was thinkin bout...

Byron @ said...

Unimpressive for now, waiting for a little color.

Byron @ said...

Easy. Everybody should try this at home.

Charles Cirilo said...

No doubt. Pass the plaster, please.

Charles Cirilo said...

What does Kay think of it?
It is certainly crown molding! Quite impressive without color.

Byron @ said...

Pretty big huh? She was expecting it to be flush with the hood but likes it if I'll put a piece of small trim around the bottom.
I'll do that and likely tie it in with the ceiling crown after painting. Thoughts?

Charles Cirilo said...

No thoughts. Just watching now.

Byron @ said...

Me too. I'll give it a couple of days to see if she really likes it or just feels sorry for me.

Lydia Carroll said...

I might try a plaster mold hand print with the kids.

Lydia Carroll said...

Pretty impressive by-the-way.

Lydia Carroll said...

At this point I wouldn't want to be dissatisfied with anything. I love the molding, but I'm waiting to see if the piece of trim will work toward making the fit seem more..... whatever you call it. (aphasic)

Aaron C said...

Very nice... When we move into our trailer ..I know who to call ;)

Byron @ said...

Yeah? Be sure and have plenty of lumber. The neighbor asked if I ever slept, when she went to bed she could hear sawing, when she woke up she could hear sawing. What they don't know is I cut every board 3 times.

Byron @ said...

Berry impressive lugging it up a ladder and hoisting it over your head too :) I have chains and turnbuckles in the hood. So sad.

Byron @ said...


Lydia Carroll said...

Not so sad. Mom and dad said to improvise.

Lydia Carroll said...

will have to do.

Charles Cirilo said...

The hood crown a beautiful piece, and given the corbels used under the cabinets of the same material the tie-in is secure. I wouldn't change it if you are intending to keep it. It certainly shows the improvisation you worked into the project. You ought to be proud of it. I want to see a color photo of it soon.

Have you considered more cabinetry across the kitchen up high? or is this the final touches to the cabinet work?

Byron @ said...

Glad you asked. I am doing similar work on the refrigerator side, sans vent-a-hood, only wider counter space approx 24" deep where the microwave cart is.
I'd like a set of 3 deep drawers instead of doors, and will need some pointers for a slide-out pantry between those drawers and the fridge.
Over the fridge will be my heavy stained shelf I've been holding for something useful. I can upload a doodle if you like.
All that is after my pocketbook and loss of rest is fixed. Better than that is you come help me build one.

Byron @ said...

I accusing Kay of making gagging gestures behind my back as her first reaction.
Now that she's equipped with "special" vision glasses, she kinda likes it... if only...

Byron @ said...

Seriously, I am going to finish the detailing on the one, and make another inverted one for.. because.

Charles Cirilo said...

Well, get it done. We are waiting. . .

Charles Cirilo said...

When you get started ask me and I'll try to help via the WWW.