Tuesday, May 03, 2011

May 2011

http://www.natchezdemocrat.com/2011/05/04/vidalia-dock-and-storage-evacuates/ Curtis' truck bed broke off the frame transferring rock to higher ground.
All trucks and equipment are busy moving rock, building berms. Offices are being evacuated. With a river flow rate of 2.1 million cubic feet a second, tug boats are busy retrieving runaway barges.


Jennifer Cirilo said...

what are they doing?

Byron @ said...

Cleaning up hydraulic fluid. This was yesterdays mishap.

Jennifer Cirilo said...


Lydia Carroll said...

So are you and Lotus gonna be safe where you're at?

Byron @ said...

No, it isn't safe here. Boys are working on moving some of their belongings and livestock. I am contemplating.

Jennifer Cirilo said...


Charles Cirilo said...

I PM'd Jen to see if she'd change the settings on her flooding thread to public so I could share it with otjers who are interested. I am very concerned for all of you. This could be very bad. What's the deal with Army Corps of Engineers blasting levees?

Lydia Carroll said...

:( Pack your undies, papers and pics while you contemplate.

Lydia Carroll said...

While deciding you have to recognize what you can't live without. Most sentiments have to go unless they are valuable. Pics mostly have to work for sentiments. Gotta have undies and clothes that can be easily worn out of a box. If push comes to shove, tent and camp gear is a good idea too. And for God sakes don't forget your pillow! I swear at our age we can't live without one. :)

Charles Cirilo said...

I suggest making the pontoon boat as accomodating as you can with camping/survival gear.

Byron @ said...

We are making plans for leaving.

Charles Cirilo said...

I can't express how sad this leaves me. If you need lodging our place is available.

Byron @ said...

Saving Cairo. No chance of that here, there is nothing dry to flood between Vidalia and the wall of water coming down like a tsunami.

Byron @ said...

Thanks. The hotel will put me up for an extended stay, we'll clean up when we get back.

Byron @ said...

This is an interesting read:
Walsh has made clear he may use other downstream “floodways” — basins surrounded by levees that can be intentionally blown open to divert floodwaters — to try to rein in the trouble.

Among those that could be tapped are the 58-year-old Morganza floodway in central Louisiana and the Bonnet Carre floodway about 30 miles north of New Orleans. The 4-mile-wide Morganza has been pressed into service just once, in 1973. The Bonnet Carre — christened in 1932 — has been opened up nine times since 1937, the most recent in 2008.

Unlike the Missouri levee, these floodways can be opened using gates designed for the purpose, not explosives that unleashed the rush of floodwater into Birds Point that damaged or destroyed as many as 100 homes and washed away crop prospects for this year. Walsh said there are no homes in the Bonnet Carre floodway and only scattered homes and farmland in the Morganza one.

Elsewhere, the Army Corps of Engineers said it was holding water in West Virginia’s reservoirs in an attempt to prevent flooding from worsening along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

Uncle Byron when are you leaving? And what do you think about us over here in franklin Parish?

Byron @ said...

I am packing some things up this weekend. We will not abandon the place until the 16th or so if conditions permit.
If you have valuables or furniture you want to keep, move it early while you can. Flood water will cut off your roads, your water, your lights and not recede for weeks. Go to high ground, err on the safe side.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

thanks Uncle Byron 4 letting us know. My daddys brother on Eagle Lake worked very hard on his place they are going to loose it they waited it out and now are being told its a MUST to leave so they are getting out. :(

Jennifer Cirilo said...

uncle byron...do u think them blasting the other levee is going to help all of us this way?

Byron @ said...

Which one? If the ones they've already blasted, yes. With every foot of water crest lowered (now 64 feet), that makes it much safer.
The ones south of us only serve to protect those south, but will help the water drain here sooner. If you are waiting until they tell you to leave, you may have to travel west.

Byron @ said...

Evacuation orders come on Monday, per Bobby Jindal, I don't know where they will start.
They are planning on blowing a small ring levee at Waterproof at 12 noon today per Darrell. Parts of Tensas parish will be flooded, you are right above Tensas, roads this way may be inundated in a few days. It is time to take your action plan. I am moving things to Natchez tomorrow.
Lotus they have reserved a room for you here, move your personals over Friday-Sunday. I will call you with a room #, you may have to bunk with Curtis. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Charles Cirilo said...

My heart goes out to you all. Prayers. We are here for you.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

thxs uncle byron...love you and thanks for the info.... thanks for all the prayers!

Lotus Dale said...

bunking with curtis is fine. my main concern now is mardigras and the dogs. what is curt doing with his horses and what abt the pups n all at yr place?

Lotus Dale said...

that's a lot already. tysm

Lotus Dale said...

If they have flat coastal area that is not densely populated near the river, they tell the folks to get out and take their livestock with them .... then they flood that coastal area to try to alleviate some of the water headed this way. They flooded 130,000 acres of farmland in Missouri in order to spare the towns.

"The state of Missouri petitioned all the way to the Supreme Court in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the action. The states of Illinois and Kentucky opposed Missouri, joining the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in pushing for destruction of the levee in hopes of saving several towns in their states."

otoh, "The corps' action on the levee "wouldn't change the flooding downstream," hydrologist Jim Noel of the Ohio River Forecast Center in Wilmington said. "The water would all at some point come back to the river."

That's bec they have to breach the river again a little south of their first blow so they can drain it all back to the river.

"The levee blast allowed water to flow into the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway in Missouri, with the water traveling at 4.1 million gallons per second to create a 200-square-mile lake. Two smaller blasts downstream are expected to take place late Tuesday and allow water to reenter the Mississippi River. " That's why Noel says it won't be the help we think it will bec they have to funnel it back into the river, otherwise, the water that is still coming will get up too high past the area in which they hope to contain it at the corps' breach. It does slow down that rush tho --- the 4.1 mil gallons per second is a lot of pressure to take off.

Without the corps' breach, the water makes its own way over or through the levee and the damage is worse than if you channel it to mostly unpopulated farmland, sparing what you can. Of course, a lot of people still lose their homes and of course their farmland will sit underway - they say - until late summer, probably august. Farmers lose a whole year of income because they live fm one year's crop to the next.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

Two smaller blasts downstream are expected to take place late Tuesday and allow water to reenter the Mississippi River. " That's why Noel says it won't be the help we think it will bec they have to funnel it back into the river, otherwise, the water that is still coming will get up too high past the area in which they hope to contain it at the corps' breach. It does slow down that rush tho --- the 4.1 mil gallons per second is a lot of pressure to take off.

So all that is going to do is slow the flow down when the levee fails? if it fails whatever....

Lydia Carroll said...

Any and everyone is welcome to bunk on the floors around here.
I'm sure the size of the shower would accommodate all of us at once. That way we could save on water, but I'm sure motel is more comfy. Glad you could get that Byron.

I am worried abt Bubba's horses too. They say no one in that area is worrying about the flood. Someone online left numbers for people to call for info so Melissa called the sheriffs office. They told her they haven't heard a thing..! I said, "well they gotta hear 'something' if they're watching the news. So anyhow my kids are thinking it's not too serious. Melissa said, she will start to pack a few things to run out the door if she needs to this weekend. But what can I say, I'm just the Mama.

Lotus Dale said...

they blew both those other holes in the levee today south of birds point to let the water back into the river fm where they blew it out at cairo ... n they also blew a levee in tensas parish n flooded 2300 acres of land there.

Lotus Dale said...

i 'shared' a video of the work going on on the riverfront at vidalia on my fb page.

Byron @ said...

Rumored to lower the crest to 63 feet :/

Charles Cirilo said...

fingers crossed

Lydia Carroll said...

I don't have truck anymore to move my travel trailer. Byron, Is there any places in Natchez to store it, in case I can load it down and borrow one to haul it there, till the waters recede. Load it, if none of the kids don't need it to stay in, that is.

Byron @ said...

We are putting things at a friends of Darrrell. He'll know where it is Go ahead and load it up, let us know if we need to pull it for you.
If they do issue evac orders, the roads can get congested.

Lydia Carroll said...

Ok, thanks Byron.

Lydia Carroll said...

Ok, thanks Byron.

Byron @ said...

May 05,2011
William P. Coleman, Vidalia chief of operation and flood control, said the only way Vidalia will get water is if the levee breaks.
May 02,1937 Levee break in La. http://www3.gendisasters.com/node/8224

Lotus Dale said...

that is not an encouraging photo. :((((

Charles Cirilo said...

Nope. Cheerful mood, little bro?

Jennifer Cirilo said...

:((((( I have been looking online some to find pictures havent seen this one. Hope the years and building it up will help...

Byron @ said...

Sure, why not? I have a lot of confidence in the integrity of the levee system, however same as it was in 1937, the weakest link is in Vidalia.
On a high note, we are much better equipped to move material and manpower than they were back then.
That said, they call it a disaster for a reason. If a major breach occurs, I am going to have some of my things on higher ground. We are cleaning house.

Charles Cirilo said...

I don't blame you. I am pretty gloomy about the prospect of disaster for all of you. We hope it doesn't occur.

Lotus Dale said...

The inundation map that FEMA released to the Natchez Democrat reminds me that the anticipated flood waters are not so far fm my house as the Mississippi River between Vidalia and Natchez - which already is too close for comfort.

Ridgecrest depends on the levee running along hwy 84 to hold back the water.

If you haven't seen the map yet, it's a PDF available here: http://av.bninews.com/natchez/video/NatchezVidaliaMapVicinitySmall.pdf

Here's a legend for you: ORANGE = FLOOD WATER .... I think everything else is real clear. :(

Lotus Dale said...

934 AM CDT SUN MAY 8 2011



continue reading at: http://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=LAZ026&warncounty=LAC029&firewxzone=LAZ026&local_place1=6+Miles+N+Vidalia+LA&product1=Flood+Warning

Byron @ said...

Yep, I was looking at that earlier this A.M. With no changes, cresting is after the MS on 5/25 at 55'. Flood stage is 55'. Expecting a damp yard.

Lotus Dale said...

same here. i'm not feeling all that confident with the inundation maps showing FEMA expects flooding on two sides of me. not sure how much faith i put in that levee that runs along the hwy on 84. for sure everything behind it is going under water. n of course u will get arrested if u r seen walking on or driving on it now. that really doesn't inspire confidence even if i realize it's the same arrest order for every levee in the parish.

i remember sissy telling me how she n beau used to live behind it in a houseboat that they had dry-docked on land and it flooded - not sure what year but beau is younger than my boys - and how she had to park on this side of that levee and she would have to use a row boat to get her n beau to the house and they were only able to go home bec their house was a boat and had floated. other people's homes had taken on water.

Lotus Dale said...

cresting is 65, flood stage is 55.... yep. :(

Byron @ said...

Flood stage at Clayton 55', with crest 3 days after MS 64' on May22.

Lotus Dale said...

April 21, 1927 the Mississippi River broke through a levee a few miles north of Greenville, sending a wall of water down Main Street, forever changing this area's landscape. Homes were crushed, sharecroppers' farms were carried away, thousands were trapped on rooftops for days and hundreds died. ....

"Once a breach begins to occur, if you're not totally on top of it immediately with enormous resources, you are in trouble," Barry said. "There's a lot of water in that river, and it's going to keep coming for days, if not weeks. It's not a hurricane where you have a few hours of storm surge."

The 1927 catastrophe occurred after relentless rain the previous year, followed by more precipitation in the spring. Levees were busted much farther upstream than Mississippi, but the breach at Mounds Landing was the most destructive. ....

Her grandfather was a sharecropper on the Delta Pine & Land cotton plantation when the levee broke. He told her stories of saving his six grandchildren from the raging waters and surviving on rooftops for days. He watched cows frantically swim through the waters and rescuers arrive in boats.....

At the south end of the Delta, flooding is a regular event – it happened in 1973 and as recently as 2008 – but it's always been contained to the swampland outside the levees.

This is not your typical flood, though.

read the full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20110508/us-mississippi-river-flooding-1927/

Jennifer Cirilo said...

I hope Derrell & Curtis were able to get their things an cattle out...I know they are stressed & tired!!! Praying for all of you!

Byron @ said...

Not yet. I may be pressed into more service than normal.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

probably! :(

Lotus Dale said...

The Concordia Chamber just posted on the fb page: "If you have horses or cattle and want to relocate them, please contact me at the chamber office. 318-336-8223. We have an individual with land and trailer ready to lend a helping hand!"

I called yr house and left a message ... no answer. Curt might want to contact them while they still have room.

Lotus Dale said...

The Concordia Chamber just posted on the fb page: "If you have horses or cattle and want to relocate them, please contact me at the chamber office. 318-336-8223. We have an individual with land and trailer ready to lend a helping hand!"

I called yr house and left a message ... no answer. Curt might want to contact them while they still have room.

Byron @ said...

Okay, thanks.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

wxvt news said they are fighting hunderd sand boils along the way staying on top of it...said 15 miles from the levee.. they said madison parish... so comforting! have inmates working on keeping it under control as well. If they are fighting that many now and 15 miles from the levee what its gonna be like here in about a week?!!!

Jennifer Cirilo said...

meants knoe monroe

Byron @ said...

Sign up for code red maybe?

Lotus Dale said...

I think yes, we all need to sign up for Code Red.

It must be like our First Alert system that the colleges/universities/businesses use that call, email, or text (or a combination thereof) you to let you know of emergency situations and closures. We have to indicate the method of contact. They always call my cell AND email me. I don't get text since I didn't give them an SMS number.

Lotus Dale said...

it's gonna be scary, that's what. getting more anxiety ridden by the day! this morning we surpassed the record level. :(

Jennifer Cirilo said...

:(( Im about to get in thte fetal position... I go from its going to be ok to OMG!!!!