Only yesterday as I was readying myself to go out
I recall the list I wrote down of... those important things
it is surely here ....somewhere....
I was looking about for the shoes I normally wear
... why all I see are these slippers I can't say
And where exactly did I place my best shirt
as I'm sure.... it will need pressing again
I must be in a hurry... my friends will be there
they are waiting... there are so many things to do
The clutter here is becoming so bothersome
... I should put it in a box
in the attic... maybe.....
I suppose that can wait though
as I have finally gotten this annoying door open
As I step out onto my porch... oh... so familiar my porch
but what is this darkness... why is the moon yet so high
I have taken too long... I must wait until tomorrow...
© 2011 byron c
Images by Tom Hussey
very, very nice. love it.
Yeah. Nice.
Thanks. I was thinking there were insinuations of more meanings than senility, but I can't find my notes.
I would agree that there is more to it than just 'senility' ....
wait and waiting is repeated several times in the poem, which leads the reader to understand that the poem is as much abt the waiting as anything else, and maybe having postponed so many things too very long: "I have taken too long."
I really like it.
Yep, I was kidding about the notes, I usually just wing these on the fly.
It is as much about procrastinating and becoming the person you used to be as it is about aging and dementia.
I seem to recall Nancy Reagan speaking of her husband and how she did not know who he was toward the end, and this one of the most memorable
presidents the free world had seen in a long time.
Thanks, it's a keeper I think.
Yes, procrastinating ... on the important things:
"the list I wrote down of... those important things" ...
"where exactly did I place my best shirt"...
And I think also there is depth in that phrase "but what is this darkness." Only that one -- abt the darkness, the reader need bring his or her own meaning to, just as they will provide meaning to "those important things" ....
These things, important things and darkness, are blank spaces for the reader to fill in, in which the reader brings personal meaning.
So melancholic in a momentous kind of way_. if that makes any since? This material should be published. And the depictions are so fitting. Really enjoyed this!
If it doesn't, at least your thought wasn't the first time : melancholic_ momentous
I have some melancholic momentous moments from Mamabird to draw inspiration from.
I can relate to this photo too:
One day I'll have to hang up my hat.
yes. don't we all. i already cry-cried today for missing her arms...
Yes. Me, too.
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