Sunday, October 10, 2004


Dimension gate or sky demon?

posted here are some other pics of interest related to to content posted on our multiply network.


Lotus Dale said... update. at present, electoral vote predictor 2004 is:

Kerry 270 Bush 248 ... gotta wait and see, i say!

Byron @ said...

dems still looks weak to me. 3 states get most the electoral votes anyway. La is at least 1/3rd the size of Cal. so why do we have only 9 votes to their 55?

Lotus Dale said...


Royce Reece said...

nader is hogging all the votes. he needs to drop out of those states where it's so close.

and someone should recount the people in texas. 37 is too many electoral votes to gives them.

Lotus Dale said...

they don't count votes in that state anyway. they just give them to bush no matter what.

XXXX YYYY said...

you got 2 sentors and 7 U.S. Representatives (which may change each decade according to the size of each state's population as determined in the census) = 9

Byron @ said...

And you call this democracy? I may throw in the

XXXX YYYY said...

nope a republic

Byron @ said...

like a republic can?
as in i gotta go to the lou?

Royce Reece said...

Gore, er Kerry gained 10 votes. whee. 280 - 254 on the site now. Although I still say Nader is killin us. Bush is up by 1% in New Mexico, and Nader is stealing 3% of the votes.

Also, have you checked out the breakdowns in those red states? There are some fanatical Bush supporters in states like Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, etc... Even in the Strong Kerry states, the Democrats aren't *that far* ahead.

Except for the lonely 3 votes DC gets - there's it's 78 - 11 in favor of Kerry. Maybe they don't appreciate Bush's motorcade there.

Lotus Dale said...

all those liberals on capitol hill? hee.

no, it's not a far enough lead to relax, but wow, glad it's at least a lead. people worldwide are gearing up already to see that we don't go thru the same debacle we had last time with the elections. people smarter than me aren't too sure the same ol' isn't in the works already. wish nader would throw his support to kerry.

Michael Reece said...

tarvergen wrote:
no, it's not a far enough lead to relax, but wow, glad it's at least a lead.

you jinxed it: Kerry 260 � Bush 274

Lotus Dale said...

crap! what happened? what treacherous bunch of electors backslid?

Charles Cirilo said...

lol repeatedly

Lotus Dale said...

Ohio. bah on Ohio.

Charles Cirilo said...

This is the best fun I've had since vacation. lol

Lotus Dale said...

i hope kerry mops the floor with gwb in the debate tomorrow night! i'm worrying abt that smirk on gwb's face being contagious with the rest of you republicans out there! i can deal with your scowls. daddy had a pretty good scowl of his own, so i'm used to that, but that smirk is too ugly!!!

Charles Cirilo said...

It doesn't matter who does what tomorrow night. 81% polled have made up their minds. That percentage more than likely exceeds the %age of the population who will vote. This is as much about who is still mad about 2000 as it is about everything else. (As in, you want to vote away gw's smirk). I personally think that a comment i heard someone make is as much to vote on as everything else they debate about. The comment was that Kerry is very ugly, and his wife is worse; they are too ugly to be the presidential couple. I laughed, but thought it made as much sense as most of the other stuff. I often told my kids (in fun, mind you) that they should not hang out with homely people, for someone might see them and conclude that they couldn't make any good-looking friends. And, furthermore, it would embaress the family if they hung out with ugly people. Minding the sentiments of that jest, by the reckoning of the comment I overheard, I mustn't vote for Kerry. We do pick our issues, don't we.

Lotus Dale said...

cac, by yr comment, i take it you think gwb didn't smirk before or since election 2000. hmmm. actually, i wasn't thinking of a particular occasion (or year) on or in which he had smirked. and while it may be true that some folks are still casting a 2000 vote ("still mad abt..."), i'm pretty sure i don't know any of them.

and looks truly are in the eye of the beholder bec i can't see it where bush could even slightly (even maybe, even possibly, even if you were legally blind) be considered more attractive than kerry. if i had to pick one out on looks alone, which is rather dumbass imo, i'd have to go with the democrat every time. haha

the race is too close to call, unless it's been stolen. still waiting to see what happens over here!

Charles Cirilo said...

Let's vote on who is the meanest of the two of us.
I vote for you. In fact, I concede the victory to you unequivocally. You win!!!

Lotus Dale said...

that's what is wrong with you casting a vote. you come down on the wrong side every time!

ps. mama sd yes he did, didn't he. hee

Byron @ said...

I agree with Andy Rooney. He said the debates are not for you guys, you've already made up your minds. They (the presidential hopefuls) are courting us, the undecided, spending million$$$$ and lots of energy. So we are the best looking all around.

Lotus Dale said...

might not be for me, but sure do enjoy watching them! fodder for my mean streak. hee

Byron @ said...

Aw, heck, I didn't even get on the ballot.

Charles Cirilo said...

Can't put you on the ballot. If you are undecided, there's no way anyone will vote for you. Lotus is a member of the mean party.

Lotus Dale said...

... the "uncollected" body of a man lying in the street, his arms still clutching yet another uncollected body, that of a child. The child's body is clasping the man's shoulders, holding on for what was dear life to the now headless corpse of, who knows, his (or her, you cannot tell) father, uncle, brother, someone he trusted to protect and shelter him. ... Perhaps the man was trying to carry the child to safety, or maybe the child saw him die and rushed to him only to be killed as well. All we know is that there they now lie, a man and his child, eternally locked in each other's arms, ... more