Wednesday, September 06, 2006

pitter patter

what makes our hearts glow, what brings sunshine to our mornings. after the reunion, these two bitty girls came to see us and made us smile. for a moment, there are no worrys, there are no problems, when you know the wonder of these precious gifts.


Linnea Lortsher said...

Teaching her to drive already? They grow up so fast!

Byron @ said...

she likes circles. we drove around in the back yard for a bit, when she wiggles the steering wheel, she wags her head the same way, the little pony tail wagging just for paw-paw.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

So so cute...enjoyed these pics! Wished we could have met this cutie pie!

Byron @ said...

maybe next time.

Lotus Dale said...

beautiful girls!

Charles Cirilo said...

Life can be so grand!

Les Cirilo said...

Now if I just drizzle a little juice down in here, that'll just about do it...another day he has to stay home with me and not go to work!

Les Cirilo said...

just try to come sit on the barstools, I dare you!

Les Cirilo said...

Someone spike the punch at this party?

Hillary Avis said...

her ponytail is the cutest!

XXXX YYYY said...

no kidding.. i'll drink tomorrow

Byron @ said...

her daddy drives fords, she doesn't realise that my dodge is indestructible.

Charles Cirilo said...

Ahhh. So great, so very awesome.

Lotus Dale said...

ditto on the ponytail! kailani's and jane's ponytails were just adorable on them this past weekend!

Lotus Dale said...

she's such a cutie!