Sunday, September 17, 2006

forward; forward; forward

If you have friends & family that communicate via e-mail, inevitably, you are going to end up on the forward; forward; forward list. Every once in a while, if you bother reading them at all, one comes along worth sharing. So, here is my entry that I thought I would pass along. If, like me, you found one you would share but don't want on the forward; forward; forward list, feel free to post it here. it's not going anywhere....maybe.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

pitter patter

what makes our hearts glow, what brings sunshine to our mornings. after the reunion, these two bitty girls came to see us and made us smile. for a moment, there are no worrys, there are no problems, when you know the wonder of these precious gifts.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reunion 2006

a small family and extended family gathering that seems to get smaller every year or it just seems that way to those of us that grew up on reunions. we were totally bored with them as teenagers but as we've have gotten older have realised the significance of families gathering together to show their solidarity and share some of our common interests. the newest additions to the family clan are especially welcomed, we have new babies that we love to meet and adopt into our club, and hope the best for them and many years of life and their own reunions to come.