Monday, July 27, 2009

Country time

A few shots of Darrell's farm & family along with a few of our place.
Finally, after a half dozen re-makes, I've included the
converted .mov video. It requires flash.
The other option being to ftp it to the server and embed.


Lydia Carroll said...

color is beautiful but the black & white and sepia made it so wonderfully nostalgic, especially along side the music. very nice. and the pics of the little doll seemed so reminiscent of the 'us' growing up feeling. i love all those family pics.

Charles Cirilo said...

There are so may wonderful photos in this collection it is hard to decide my favorite, but should I be pressed to name one, this would be one of the top contenders. I love it in bot sepia and color, but like Lydia, the the sense of nostalgia elevates for me with the sepia and B&W.

Charles Cirilo said...


Charles Cirilo said...

Another wonderful shot.

Charles Cirilo said...

So evocative of former moments in my own life, as Lydia said. Like a frozen moment. The leaves of the tree in the front left caught in motion, blurred as if you brought the scene to a sudden painful halt forcing time to wait a moment are perfect for me. ..

Jennifer Cirilo said...

love this!

Jennifer Cirilo said...


Jennifer Cirilo said...

need this one in a frame!

Jennifer Cirilo said...

country boys & girls getting down on tha farm! :) yee haw!

Jennifer Cirilo said...

he?looks a lil wild eyed!

Lydia Carroll said...

favorite..? uumm.. agreed that's a very hard choice but this is definitely high listed. ok maybe i've decided this tops. :)

Lydia Carroll said...

i love this as well. as she waters the flowers she feels with her hands. it shows her sense of things. as though she already recognizes the beauty of it. whether she be feeling the leaves or feeling the water trickle through her fingers at the same time. she's such a doll anyway.

Lydia Carroll said...

this is definitely a Kodak moment.

Lydia Carroll said...

this is worth keeping. a vintage looking shot of a young boy and his trucks. what's to make it look more vintage than the basket sitting near by.

Lydia Carroll said...

i don't know why, but out of all of her with the wagon i love this one most.....

Charles Cirilo said...

There are so many great photos here that I must repeat that I cannot truly narrow it down to a favorite. The one of Cody and his toys is also an example of artistry in a moment. I did a little cropping to show two other ways the photo could be presented.

Charles Cirilo said...

There are so many great photos here that I must repeat that I cannot truly narrow it down to a favorite. The one of Cody and his toys is also an example of artistry in a moment. I did a little cropping to show two other ways the photo could be presented.

Cody Playing 1

Cody Playing 2

I like the second of these two better than the first.

Lydia Carroll said...

me too.

Aaron C said...


Byron @ said...

I like this one too.

Byron @ said...

There is a sepia version Link: nostalgia_farm2

Byron @ said...

The second one is good.

Byron @ said...

This one was a luck shot. I had just handed the lead off to Heather and barely had my camera raised.

Byron @ said...

I like this also, kailani in flight. One day she will fly away.

Byron @ said...

Yes, the second one is better.

Lydia Carroll said...

ha, just what i thought. i was particularly liking her in motion there.

Charles Cirilo said...

I wanted to reduce the visual field to the subject matter, and use the discs to balance th weight of the boy and his toys. It was as if you had posed the photo that way.

Charles Cirilo said...

I wanted to reduce the visual field to the subject matter, and use the discs to balance th weight of the boy and his toys. It was as if you had posed the photo that way.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

I like it...but I also like the dog being by the boy and his toys too.... Maybe it would have been better if the dog was asleep by the boy and not turning around being all nosey looking at the camera taking dude. :)

Lydia Carroll said...

oh, i thought you just wanted to use the disc to continue grounding the country scene. :)

Charles Cirilo said...

I liked the dog, too. He was in the wrong place, as I showed when I left him in. AND, of course the plow retains the country fell to the photo. i was simply commenting to the good fortune that provided it so ideally.

Byron @ said...

It's a highly trained country dog, but he wasn't sleepy:

Charles Cirilo said...


Jennifer Cirilo said...

well.....doggonit then! :)

Jennifer Cirilo said...

whats up with this? yawl knowd my doggonit comment was funny? no comments no replies? no lol's ? :p

Charles Cirilo said...

funny LOL :p


Jennifer Cirilo said...

bout time i get recognition around here! :) I have to recognize my own self sometimes lol!! anywho..Uncle Byron sure is quiet tonight..he must be sick! I'm going to bed!!

Lydia Carroll said...

jen you know your always funny.

Byron @ said...

A little computer maintenance. I was trying to do the dirty deeds of bill paying and my comp kept locking up. I am still working on it. It is a sepia computer too.
Your doggonit comment was ha ha ha.

Jennifer Cirilo said...

why thank you! May all of your computer needs be met. And as for the bills...ur in the same boat as the rest of us..get in line 4 tha cheese!! :)

Jennifer Cirilo said...

thank you Aunt Lydia..I knew I loved you from the start! I miss ya too!