Saturday, December 12, 2009

Burning Bush


Lotus Dale said...

lol. cute

Lotus Dale said...

Cute buncha kids! Love their smiles.

Lotus Dale said...

Bed looks nice. Will be esp nice when it fills out come spring. I like the post in it too. That's fm mama and daddy's things, no?

Byron @ said...

Yes, it is. The matching one went on the woodburning pile @ wesley's :o(

Byron @ said...

I like this one. I have told them I am going to build one of the old ones for them. This cold winter is a good time to follow thru.

Lotus Dale said...

Good pic--a keeper.

Charles Cirilo said...

Nothing looks this good over here now. All dead or dormant. Too cold.

Lotus Dale said...

That quick freeze caught some of my plants--killed the tomatoes, the senna, the angel's trumpet (at least the top half of it). The roses don't know it's winter. Still budding, still blooming! The winter/spring bedding plants I set out are all perky!

Lotus Dale said...

That quick freeze caught some of my plants--killed the tomatoes, the senna, the angel's trumpet (at least the top half of it). The roses don't know it's winter. Still budding, still blooming! The winter/spring bedding plants I set out are all perky!

OTOH, my backyard is a lake--at least the back forty is. SMH

I should have dug that dry creek bed across the back and down the west side that I have been considering since year one. Or, at least planted another willow or three way out back. lol

Initiative Stain said...

My you have the weather there Byron!

Dianne Cirilo said...

That is so cute.

Dianne Cirilo said...

This is a beautiful picture.

Lotus Dale said...

I think this bed is going to be so nice. I probably would have put the darker annuals in front of the post instead of the white ones so that they will "pop" against it in the spring. The white on white will be less visible to the eye esp. fm a distance.

You might try to add a perennial or two in (very) early spring just so they can begin to take root. Maybe another guara and some fountain grass?

Byron @ said...

Yeah, unless the egg came before the chicken. The post was an afterthought :)

Charles Cirilo said...

Looks good. You can never know what color chicken you're gonna get from an egg.
Speakin' of which, I'll have mine over medium.

Byron @ said...

Lotus Dale said...

blank post?

you need to chk yr FB games. :) In that saboteur FL, you get xp points for tending other people's fields (water the light dirt plots, pull weeds, debug) as well as make room for your own infestations. Don't forget to steal other ripe crops. The marauder has the advantage. lol

I can't load Farmville due to all their issues they are 'working on a fix' ... my favorite game.