Friday, November 19, 2004

play of lights

note the red & green color and the white stars being pulled into the vortex

my roof light tree


Lotus Dale said...

all nice shots but i like this one thru the glass and the shots fm the street also. all of them, really. will have to go see it too. nice job!!

Lydia Carroll said...

curtis is a real builder-upper. no telling what he'll be buildin by the time hes all grow'd up.

Lydia Carroll said...

los chucha w/a estipule

Lydia Carroll said...

uh oh, earth quake.

Lydia Carroll said...

gonna jack up ur light bill so the city can pay for theirs.

Charles Cirilo said...

It looks like it's Christmas Time in Dixie.

Byron @ said...

Yes, time to fleece the masses.

Lydia Carroll said...

when i went to edit the word steeple it gave me spanish. ha ha. must have spelt the whole shebang all crazy. of course u see what time it was.

Lotus Dale said...

hmmmm. estipule is fm the verb estipular meaning to stipulate.

church is iglesia. i would prolly go with campanario which is a church belfry or bell tower.

you can use the dictionary at or

Lydia Carroll said...

i dont know what any of that is. just being crazy cause thats what it gave me and i dont know why.